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Special Education - RRDSB NTIP. Students with special needs want: Strengths to be recognized Independence Sense of belonging Supported, safe and welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Education - RRDSB NTIP. Students with special needs want: Strengths to be recognized Independence Sense of belonging Supported, safe and welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Education - RRDSB NTIP

2 Students with special needs want: Strengths to be recognized Independence Sense of belonging Supported, safe and welcome Sense of accomplishment Contributing member of society

3 Every Child Needs a Champion

4 Individual Education Plans Legal Document Conditions for Creating IEPs Modifications vs. Accommodations Alternative report vs. Provincial report Safety Plans Transition Plans

5 IEP – Reflection Think of a child who you teach or have taught who requires Accommodations and/or Modifications – What do the accommodations and modifications look like currently? – What steps could be taken to further support the student? – How do you assess their achievement and growth? – How do the accommodations and modifications support independence and inclusion? – How do you communicate with the student regarding their progress? How often?

6 Communication with Students Focus on strengths Allow time for processing Conference Often Clear Classroom Expectations (3-5 max) and Logical Consequences Encouragement - catch them doing something good and celebrate

7 Communication with Parents/Guardians Highlight Strengths Share Concerns Collaborate on Classroom Supports and Strategies for Further Engagement Celebrate Success

8 Other Communication Needed Educational Assistants (ESP Guide) Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT) Principal/Vice-Principal

9 Tiered Approach to Behaviour Intervention

10 Positive and Proactive Supports Think of a student who you teach or have taught who requires additional supports to manage their behaviour effectively in class. – What proactive supports do you currently have in place? – What other strategies could help support the student? – How do you assess student growth regarding the behaviour? – How are the behaviour supports/strategies and progress communicated with the student? With the parent/guardian?

11 Supports Mentor Other Teachers and ESP SERT Principal/Vice-Principal Behavioural Therapist Counsellors Spec. Ed. Administrator School Support Services

12 Believe

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