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English II—December 9, 2015 Daily Warm-up: The second part of The 11 th Hour explores other environmental consequences of over-development and over-utilization.

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Presentation on theme: "English II—December 9, 2015 Daily Warm-up: The second part of The 11 th Hour explores other environmental consequences of over-development and over-utilization."— Presentation transcript:

1 English II—December 9, 2015 Daily Warm-up: The second part of The 11 th Hour explores other environmental consequences of over-development and over-utilization of natural resources. What are some of the consequences associated with over-development and over- utilization discussed in this part of the film? Homework: – Unit 4 Vocabulary Test on Friday. Words and definitions are on the website. – Reading Plus due Sunday at 11:59.

2 Today’s Assignment (film 57:00—until the end) Finish watching The 11 th Hour and answer the questions from the packet. Remember, I am counting this as a test grade, so you need to have as many answers complete as possible. We will go over them briefly on Friday, but my expectation is that you’ve paid attention and answered the questions. When finished with the film, you may discuss answers with your neighbors and try to get any missing answers. Hold onto your packet until Friday. Read the story “Fire, Water, Truth, and Falsehood,” and answer the questions on the back of the story. You will turn this assignment in today.

3 Fire, Water, Truth, and Falsehood Read the folk tale “Fire, Water, Truth and Falsehood.” And think about how it might relate to the topic of sustainability that we’ve been learning about by watching The 11 th Hour. The basics of sustainable development: working individually or together for the common good, citizenship (i.e. the behavior of an individual in terms of the duties, obligations, and functions of a member of society), and transparency (i.e. informing others or the public about decision-making processes and activities),

4 After Reading Write a brief summary of the tale. Answer the following questions: – How is working for the common good illustrated in this tale? – How is working for the common good broken? – Which character deceived another character? What was the motivation of falsehood? – What does this story teaches about the issue of truth and falsehood? – Give some examples from daily life that illustrate working for the common good and good citizenship. – Give some examples from daily life in which for personal gain an individual or an organization is not truthful or transparent. How did this hurt the common good? – How can committing ourselves to truthfulness and working for the common good help our community or the world in general?

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