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Alexa Potter and Rylie Nowacki Period 3

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1 Alexa Potter and Rylie Nowacki Period 3
Glee Alexa Potter and Rylie Nowacki Period 3

2 Top Ten Terms Achieved Status Ascribed Status Sexuality
Social-Conflict Approach Homosexuality Social group Social Control Norms Heterosexuality Social Interaction

3 Achieved Status Concept denoting a social position that a person can acquire on the basis of merit; it is a position that is earned or chosen.

4 Glee All of the Glee Club members dream of winning Nationals. They reach this Ascribed Status when they win in Chicago. Rachel dreams of reaching the ascribed status of moving to New York and performing on Broadway

5 Ascribed Status Social status a person is assigned at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life Position that is neither earned nor chosen but assigned

6 Glee In the show Emma, a guidance counselor, is a ginger
Her parents are proud/obsessed with the fact that she’s a ginger and that they’re all gingers They only want grandchildren that are gingers

7 Sexuality A person’s sexual orientation or preference
Capacity for sexual feelings

8 Glee In the Glee Club, Santana confesses to Brittany that she is in love with her, while Brittany is dating Artie. Brittany becomes confused with her sexuality, because she thinks she loves them both

9 Social-Conflict Approach
Argues that individuals and groups within a society have differing amounts of materials and non-material resources and that the more powerful groups use their power in order to exploit groups with less power.

10 Glee In Glee, Sue tries to destroy the Glee Club
She is the Cheerio’s captain, and they get more funding, therefore have more power

11 Homosexuality Romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender

12 Glee In the show, many characters are homosexual; Blaine, Kurt, Sebastian, Santana, Brittany, and Dave The Glee Club has 2 homosexual couples: Brittany and Santana, Kurt and Blaine

13 Social Control Enforcement of conformity by society upon its members, either by law or social pressure Influence of any element in the social life working to maintain the pattern of such life

14 Glee At McKinley High, it is not “cool” to be in Glee Club
The kids in Glee Club are going against social control by joining Glee Club, therefore they get bullied

15 Social Group Two or more people who interact with one another, share similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense of unity

16 Glee Glee Club members are all a social group
Cheerios are all a social group

17 Norms Something that is usual, typical, or standard
Standard or pattern, especially of social behavior, that is typical or expected of a group A required standard; a level to be complied with or reached

18 Glee Because Puck, Finn, and Mike are all the football team, the norm is to be tough and focus only on football By being in the Glee club, they break this norm Quinn, Santana, and Brittany also break the norms of Cheerios by enjoying Glee Club

19 Heterosexuality Romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior between persons of opposite sex or gender.

20 Glee Majority of the members in Glee Club and the students of McKinley High are heterosexual Glee Club has 3 main heterosexual couples-Mr. Schue and Emma, Finn and Rachel, and Mike and Tina

21 Social Interaction Way people talk and act with each other and various structures in society May include interaction a family has together Bureaucracies that are formed out of the need to create order within the interaction itself

22 Glee When Finn’s mom marries Kurt’s dad, Finn and Kurt do NOT get along at first After spending some time together, they grow to love each other like brothers

23 Works Cited

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