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Engineering Your Community Room Control Ashley Lengel, Evan Franz, Ethan Fitz.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Your Community Room Control Ashley Lengel, Evan Franz, Ethan Fitz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering Your Community Room Control Ashley Lengel, Evan Franz, Ethan Fitz

2 Original Ideas and Goals We all noticed that residents have a need for more tools in their rooms Things that came to mind: –What do they do if they fall from their chair or bed? More control in their rooms would give the residents an increased sense of independence, thus meeting Beechwood’s mission.

3 Project: Help Button If a resident falls from their chair or bed and can’t call for help, what do they do? We’d like to have a sensor in the room (perhaps along the floor/door/ceiling) that the resident can activate with their vision. –Need to consider the position of the resident after the fall and their inability to maneuver themselves to get to the button.

4 Technology Raspberry Pi B+ –Capable of handling the vision processing coding necessary to make the device work –Will utilize MATLAB and Simulink to program –USB ports, Ethernet port, camera connector, MicroSD

5 Technology Cont. Camera –Specific Raspberry Pi compatible camera –Infrared LEDs increase sensitivity enough to hopefully pick up light reflection –Slim design makes for easy casing

6 How Will It Work? Will connect with the help button system already in place –Triggered by vision sensor rather than push button

7 Current Status Have educated ourselves with the programming (MATLAB and Simulink) Have combined camera and Pi board Designed a casing for end product Have room schematics to figure out location of unit

8 MATLAB and Simulink Programming Have successfully established communication between camera and board Made a flow chart to get the camera to do color recognition and filtering –Finding more research on specifying that further to shape/face recognition




12 The Unit

13 Looking Forward We’d like to hopefully pass this project on to a group in the next offering of this class We’ll continue to research and put work into this

14 We’d like to thank Beechwood Home for allowing us to work with them! Questions?

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