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TCSP #2 - Design Constraint Analysis Team 21 Pop’em Drop’em Robots Abstract Our project is an electronic version of the game “Rock’em Sock’em Robots”.

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Presentation on theme: "TCSP #2 - Design Constraint Analysis Team 21 Pop’em Drop’em Robots Abstract Our project is an electronic version of the game “Rock’em Sock’em Robots”."— Presentation transcript:

1 TCSP #2 - Design Constraint Analysis Team 21 Pop’em Drop’em Robots Abstract Our project is an electronic version of the game “Rock’em Sock’em Robots”. Up to two players can play, each controlling the movements of one of two punching robots via a Microsoft Kinect. Player punches and dodges are translated into robot movements and hits recorded until either player’s health bar value reaches zero. The game also features selectable battle music and a single-player mode in which the player competes against the computer. Thomas Pansino

2 Block Diagram

3 Microcontroller Constraints (Minimum requirements) 25 MHz Clock speed 128 KB Flash storage 8 KB SRAM 47 pins total GPIO 2 Channel SPI (drive LCDs) 1 Channel SCI (Raspberry Pi communication via UART) 2 Timer channels (light and sound coordination) 2 channels PWM (possible stepper motor control) ItemPins per Part Qty of Part Total GPIO Pins Hall Effect Sensors**141 Power MOSFETs144 L297 Motor Controllers326 Tri-color LEDs31030 LCDs326 47 ** = Open-drain configuration

4 ParameterAT32UC3C1512CdsPIC30F6014A Architecture32-bit16-bit Max frequency (MHz)66120 Flash (KB)512144 SRAM (KB)688 Pin count10080 Max I/O pins8168 SPI channels72 SCI/UART channels52 Timer channels65 PWM channels198 Operating voltage (V)3.0 to 3.6 or 4.5 to 5.52.5 to 5.5 Cost per unit$16.99$12.76 ParameterAT32UC3C1512CdsPIC30F6014A Architecture32-bit16-bit Max frequency (MHz)66120 Flash (KB)512144 SRAM (KB)688 Pin count10080 Max I/O pins8168 SPI channels72 SCI/UART channels52 Timer channels65 PWM channels198 Operating voltage (V)3.0 to 3.6 or 4.5 to 5.52.5 to 5.5 Cost per unit$16.99$12.76 Microcontroller Comparison Winner: AT32UC3C Reason: Much more room for experimentation for slightly higher cost Pricing Source: Digi- Key

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