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MOS 2285 Group Presentations

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1 MOS 2285 Group Presentations

2 MOS 2285 Group Presentations
Purpose Get you to think about the affect the environment of business has on the internationalization decision – what do you need to know when you are deciding where to go?

3 MOS 2285 Group Presentations
Process Choose a real business and examine a country it could enter Use the analytical tools from class to evaluate the country’s relative comparative advantage

4 MOS 2285 Group Presentations
Process Firm must be approved by Trevor In-class presentation of 15 minutes followed by 10 minutes of questions Copies of your presentation slides to be given to Trevor no later than 24 hours prior to presenting Material in the presentations may appear on the final exam

5 MOS 2285 Group Presentations
Analysis Is there a “fit” between the company and the country? Does the country provide what the company needs? Why did it choose that country? Why is the firm internationalizing?

6 MOS 2285 Group Presentations
Analysis How should it internationalize and why? What is driving its internationalization? Does the firm have resources or capabilities that translate across borders? Are there any supranational organizations that aid or hinder the firm’s internationalization?

7 MOS 2285 Group Presentations
Analysis Is the firm prepared properly to enter this country? What sort of preparation is needed? Does the country have a comparative advantage? Are there barriers to trade?

8 MOS 2285 Group Presentations
Analysis Are there currency issues that hinder or aid the firm’s operations in that country? Are there ethical issues that could affect the firm’s operations there and/or elsewhere? How can the MNC manage any issues that may arise?

9 MOS 2285 Group Presentations
Presentation outline Short introduction about the issues and firm (no more than 2 issues – should be big enough to provide you with the chance to demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter) Short discussion about recommendations Specific recommendations using analytical tools to support why you made them Conclusion

10 MOS 2285 Group Presentations
Questions Pretend I am the CEO of the firm and you are presenting to me. That means I have a lot of interest in your presentation but I am busy so don’t waste my time telling me things I would know I will ask you tough questions to see if you understand what you are saying and to see if you can defend the rationale behind your recommendations

11 MOS 2285 Group Presentations
Questions They will be tough questions. Your recommendations will cost my firm a lot of money – they had better be well thought out, feasible and specific NOT general and arbitrary

12 MOS 2285 Group Presentations
Marks Marks will be upon the following: Use and application of the terms/concepts from the course so you must demonstrate that you can use the right tool to solve the right problem Specificity and feasibility of the recommendations – have you solved the problem and told me HOW to do it? I should not be able to say “so what” after something you tell me Presentation/answer quality – is this professional or weak. Professional good. Weak bad.

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