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Benwell Scotswood Area Action Plan Progress Report Presentation to City Council Executive and Corporate Management Team 25 January 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Benwell Scotswood Area Action Plan Progress Report Presentation to City Council Executive and Corporate Management Team 25 January 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benwell Scotswood Area Action Plan Progress Report Presentation to City Council Executive and Corporate Management Team 25 January 2006

2 Introduction// team & remit EDAW –Charles Ledward, Project Director –Andy Spracklen, Project Manager In association with –Admiral PR & Marketing –EKOS Consulting –FaberMaunsell –King Sturge –PS Consultants –Squint Opera –Turner & Townsend Objective –“… to secure clarity of vision for the Plan area, understood, owned and supported locally. The vision shall be the guide for future planning, investment and management strategies.” (Project Brief) Key factors –Will form part of the statutory planning framework –Critical component of the Pathfinder programme –Capitalising upon and guiding Housing EXPO, City Academy, etc.

3 The AAP// approach & outputs Spatial planning & design –Strategic fit – timing and content –Using GIS  Spatial framework – to build market confidence Consultation & branding –Communication and consultation – focused and engaging local communities –Using multimedia  Marketing strategy – to help ‘re-brand’ and promote the area Business planning –Financial viability and delivery – realistic and visionary –Using project account models  Business strategy – to plan investment and create value Stakeholder engagement –Working with you – open, honest and productive –Engaging stakeholders  Collaborative process – to facilitate ownership and ensure quality of outputs

4 Baseline// key questions Policy landscape – what constraints and opportunities does this present? Do we need to challenge? What tests and strategic decisions will be required? Drivers – who and what is influencing the future of the area? How in turn must planning policy steer drivers? Socio-economic profile – who lives in Benwell Scotswood? How is the population changing? What are their needs and aspirations? The ‘market’ – what is the current housing make-up? What conditions are required to achieve a step change? External perceptions – what do communities, city leaders and opinion formers think of the area? How could that drive image transformation? Design – what physical qualities does the area possess that might lend itself to ‘re-branding’? How can we re-imagine the place? People – most importantly, what of residents and future residents needs and aspirations? What are their lifestyles and how might these influence our re- imagination?

5 Baseline// so what? we can’t leave things as they stand today –shops and services struggle from lack of catchment –personal safety reduced through lack of ‘eyes on streets’ –the area is stigmatised by its past and may well continue to decline a lot of pain has already been gone through – we now need to DELIVER –we have the space and unique opportunity to change things positively – optimum solutions to create viable communities? –improve the quality of life for existing residents by a step change in quality and commitment? –how to attract new people to move here – returners and newcomers? –we need people to WANT to live here

6 Futures// assets & drivers differentiate Benwell Scotswood from competing markets –it can’t and shouldn’t compete with general suburbia –redefine the area as an attractive new part of west newcastle the area has to reconnect with its major asset – its landscape setting and location relative to the city centre –improve & define greenspace to provide a focus for development and community –respond to topography –capture benefits of riverside location, south facing slope and amazing views –maximise benefits of location by improving access, circulation and public transport links to city centre, A1 and western employment areas understand and test the options and implications of key drivers –EXPO, City Academy, Westgate College site, Hospital site, Adelaide Terrace/ Armstrong Road…

7 Futures// possible scenarios Our initial thoughts –Scenario 1 – baseline minimal option –Scenario 2 – essentially market driven –Scenario 3 – market driven plus limited interventions –Scenario 4 – market driven plus visionary interventions Tests required Policy fit and requirements Regeneration benefits Development opportunities, build-out rates and phasing Level of transformation across area Impact on people already in area, i.e. for hard to reach groups Impact on competition from elsewhere Market and sub-markets (who?) Critical mass to support range of specified services, e.g. hubs – issues of retail capacity Relationship with adjoining areas

8 Scenario 1

9 Scenario 2

10 Scenario 3

11 Scenario 4

12 Lifestyling

13 Next steps// decisions Strategic policy fit Drivers, opportunities and ideas –EXPO, EXPOPark, Academy, University, Science City, Botanical Gardens, students, Whitehouse, Westgate, Hospital, transport corridors, bus and LRT… Location, nature, scale and distribution of uses to support viable communities –Retailing, housing choice, neighbourhood centres, open spaces… Deliverability –How step change in development rates can be achieved –Early wins? e.g. for young people –Business planning/ public sector investment Quality and changing perceptions

14 Getting to know the area Understanding the issues Developing design options Preferred option & action plan Key stakeholders Formal consultation – exhibition, etc Stakeholder Workshop & Public Events Oct/ Nov ‘05 Dec ’05- Jan ‘06 Jan- Mar ‘06 Mar- Jun ‘06 Jun/ Jul ‘06 Community involvement Our tasks Key stakeholders

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