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Element spots in HgMn stars

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1 Element spots in HgMn stars
Heidi Korhonen Centre for Star and Planet Formation & Niels Bohr Institute University of Copenhagen

2 Outline General properties of HgMn stars
Some history of line profile variability detections Chemical element surface configurations Temporal evolution of chemical spots Are HgMn stars magnetic? Kochukhov et al. 2005

3 HgMn stars Late B-type stars
Extreme overabundance of Hg/Mn (not always Mn) Slowly rotating: <v sin i>=29 km/s No strong large-scale organized magnetic fields No enhancement in Rare Earth Elements, but of heavy elements W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi Anomalous isotopic abundances of He, Hg, Pt, Tl, Pb, Ca. About 150 stars are known Dolk et al. 2002 Ca-48 shift in HD (HR 7143) Castelli & Hubrig (2004)

4 Multiplicity among HgMn stars
Observations of 57 HgMn stars with VLT 25 binaries, 3 triples, 1 quadruple Nine companion candidates found for the first time Only five stars in the sample show no indication of multiplicity, taking into account that 44 systems are confirmed or suspected spectroscopic binaries Schöller et al 2010 4

5 Vertical stratification
HD Some evidence for vertical stratification: of Cr (Savanov & Hubrig 2001) of Mn (Alecian 1982; Sigut 2001) of Ga (Lanz et al. 1993) From the Thiam et al. (2010) sample of four HgMn stars only HD shows stratification of Mn Dubaj et al. (2004) found no conclusive evidence of stratification of Fe lines in HD A. Makaganiuk et al. (2012) found no convincing evidence of vertical stratification of Ti and Y in HD11753 Ti Cr Mn Thiam et al. 2010 Fe

6 From Kurtz & Martinez 2000

7 Indications of spots on HgMn star: α And
Ryabchikova et al. (1999) did chemical abundance analysis of α And They discovered changing line profiles of Hg at 3983 Å. But they only had three epochs of observations.

8 Detection of spots on HgMn star: α And
„This first definitively identified spectrum variation in any mercury-manganese star is not due to the orbital motion of the companion. Rather, the variation is produced by the combination of the day period of rotation of the primary that we determined and a nonuniform surface distribution of mercury that is concentrated in its equatorial region.“ (Adelman et al. 2002) Wade et al. 2006 Adelman et al. 2002

9 More spotted HgMn stars
Kochukhov et al. 2005 μ Lep: Kochukhov et al. 2011 AR Aur: Hubrig et al. 2006

10 Mapping chemical spots
From O. Kochukhov

11 First spot map: Hg in α And
Adelman et al. 2002

12 Configurations of chemical spots: 66 EriA
General asymmetry of chemical composition for the two hemispheres. All four studied elements show higher abundance at rotational phases from 0.5 – 0.1 and a lower abundance for phases 0.1–0.5. Makaganiuk et al. 2011a A relative element underabundance on the side facing the secondary has also been reported for Y in AR Aur A (Hubrig et al. 2006),

13 Configurations of chemical spots: HD11753 (or φ Phe)
Y shows the largest variability Sr concentrates in one spot Ti has the largest area covered by spots Cr shows the smallest variability Makaganiuk et al. 2012

14 “Weather” in α Andromedae
Slow variations in the chemical structures of HgMn star α And are seen from maps spanning seven years Kochukhov et al. (2007) explained the behaviour with a non-equilibrium, dynamical evolution of the heavy-element clouds created by atomic diffusion. Possibly the same underlying physics as the weather patterns on terrestrial and giant planets Kochukhov et al. 2007

15 Secular spot evolution is also seen in AR Aur
Epochs of observations black diamonds: 2002 blue crosses: 2005 green circles: 2008 All observations from phase ~0.80 Hubrig et al. 2010

16 Long-term observations of HD11753
YII SrII Oct 2000 Dec 2000 Aug 2009 Jan 2010 Korhonen et al. 2013 All the data from CORALIE spectrograph at La Silla

17 Equivalent Widths at different epochs
Korhonen et al. 2013 Oct 2000 (plus), Dec 2000 (asterisk), Aug 2009 (square), Jan 2010 (triangle)

18 Fast temporal evolution of spots in HD11753
Oct 2000 Fast temporal evolution of spots in HD11753 Oct part1 First discovered by Briquet et al. (2010) Reliability studied in more detail by Korhonen et al. (2013) Oct part 2 Dec 2000 Korhonen et al. 2013

19 Magnetic fields in HgMn stars?
Detections of magnetic fields in some HgMn stars have been reported: e.g., Mathys & Hubrig 1995; Hubrig & Castelli 2001; Hubrig et al. 2006 Other studies on the other hand have not found magnetic fields: e.g., Landstreet 1982; Shorlin et al. 2002; Wade et al. 2006; Makaganiuk et al. 2011 At times the results agree, e.g., the non-detection of magnetic field in HD (Hubrig et al. 1999, Hubrig et al. 2006; Kochukhov et al. 2013) At times the the results do not agree, e.g., in AR Aur Hubrig et al. (2010) detect weak field and Folsom et al. (2010) do not. In the cases of discrepancy most of the non-detections are using LSD method, and the detections using the moment technique. HD 71066 Kochukhov et al. 2013

20 Correlation of the magnetic field and spots?
HD 11753 Korhonen et al. 2013 NOTE: Investigations using LSD method have not found magnetic fields in HD (Makaganiuk et al. 2012; Kochukhov et al. 2013) Hubrig et al. 2012

21 Conclusions HgMn stars are usually part of a binary or multiple system
Many of them show line-profile variations caused by chemical spots, most often in Hg and Mn, but also in other elements, e.g., Y, Sr, Ti, Cr and Ba Secular spot evolution was discovered by Kochukhov et al. (2007) Fast spot evolution by Briquet et al. (2010) Weak magnetic fields have been reported in some HgMn stars More detailed studies of magnetic fields using high resolution, high signal-to-noise spectropolarimetric observations are needed to resolve the issue concerning magnetic field detections.

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