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MDG-F 1656: Strengthening the Philippines' Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change Presented by: Mr. Ricardo M. Sandalo Programme Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "MDG-F 1656: Strengthening the Philippines' Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change Presented by: Mr. Ricardo M. Sandalo Programme Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 MDG-F 1656: Strengthening the Philippines' Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change Presented by: Mr. Ricardo M. Sandalo Programme Manager

2 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC AR4) UNEQUIVOCAL! Warming of the climate system is UNEQUIVOCAL!



5 on climate trends Recent observations show that ghg emissions and many aspects of the climate are changing near the upper boundary of IPCC projections.  global mean temperature

6   sea-level rise

7   Arctic sea-ice extent

8 CO 2 emissions

9 Methane emissions

10 Nitrous oxide emissions

11 Green House Gases Global Warming Climate Change

12 Warmer and more frequent hot days and nights, heat waves over most land areas (99% probability) More frequent rainfall events over most areas resulting in increased flood, landslide, soil erosion, mudslide, etc. (90% probability) Increase in tropical cyclone wind and rainfall intensities in some areas. (67% probability) What to expect in the 21 st Century?

13 s

14 Humanity is in a new and unprecedented situation; Accelerated sea level rise (resulting to freshwater intrusion); Decreased freshwater availability and/or aggravated water scarcity in some areas; Increased runoff, soil erosion and flooding in others; Increased frequency of extreme climate event; (considerable damage to agricultural production); Shifts in ecosystem service provision

15 Mitigation? Adaptation?

16 Current knowledge about responding to climate change Adaptation is necessary to address impacts resulting from the warming which is already unavoidable

17 IPCC definition of adaptation An adjustment in natural human systems in response to actual or expected climate stimuli or their effects, which moderate harm or exploits benefit opportunities

18 Adaptation is occurring now to observed and projected future climate change But more extensive adaptation is required to reduce vulnerability to future climate change

19 Adaptation means pro-active planning for a range of possible future scenarios

20 UN-GOP Joint Programme Title Strengthening the Philippines’ Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change Partners 9 GOP and 6 UN agencies Duration 3 years (2008-2010) Amount 8 million USD Outcomes 1. CRR mainstreaming in dev’t planning 2. Capacity building and awareness 3. Demonstration and up-scaling

21 Examples of Adaptation

22 Water Conservation Water Harvesting and Storage Better Management of Water Supply Systems Agriculture: forecasts and early warning Diversify crops and livestock Irrigation solutions

23 Use of early maturing rice varieties Conserve rain water to extend cropping period Develop rapid harvesting and postharvesting Changes in fish stocking and harvesting Improve fish cage management

24 Improve access to health care Disease monitoring and emergency responses Construct sea walls Raise housing Elevate major thoroughfare Modify existing drainage system “Flood-proof” buildings

25 Hazard mapping and flood warnings Temporary shelters for affected communities Relocation Empower communities

26 Major Outputs: The 10 “commandments” 1. 1. Vulnerability assessment 2. 2. Adaptation options 3. 3. CRR entry points 4. 4. CRR mainstreaming guidelines 5. 5. CRR plans 6. 6. Web-based tool 7. 7. Capacity assessment 8. 8. CRR awareness 9. 9. Competency development 10. 10. Demonstration projects and scaling up

27 Equitable Integrated Ecosystems Climate Change Adaptation in the Cordilleras Strengthening Disease Surveillance, emergency Preparedness, and Response for Climate Change-Related Conditions in Metro Manila and Albay Designing and Building with Nature: Showcasing a Climate Change Resilient Human Settlement in Sorsogon City Climate resilient farming communities in Agusan del Norte through innovative risk transfer mechanisms A2C2: A Local Governance Reform Model for Climate Resilient Development in Bicol Region

28 Our Vision To be a leading interdisciplinary professional organization in the country to promote human ecology towards attaining human centered, self-reliant, and ecologically stable communities.

29 November 19 – 20, 2009


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