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Brought to you by UNITEDSCRIP Now More than ever, Spend Wisely And Make Every Purchase Count! we need to invest wisely,

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Presentation on theme: "Brought to you by UNITEDSCRIP Now More than ever, Spend Wisely And Make Every Purchase Count! we need to invest wisely,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brought to you by UNITEDSCRIP Now More than ever, Spend Wisely And Make Every Purchase Count! we need to invest wisely,

2 Brought to you by UNITEDSCRIP




6 What other Program will allow you to fill your car with gas, fill your shopping cart with groceries, or purchase a movie for the evening AND help your group meet or reach its goals for fundraising!

7  AGAIN This is money just one Family spends in the community.  AGAIN It helps the community, which is a great!  NOW These same purchases CAN benefit your Organization!

8 This is money your Families are currently spending in the community. Simply by utilizing Scrip… you can turn your normal spending into profit for your organizations!

9 Buy all your Scrip Gift Cards from LES and help us raise funds for our School! Fill out your Order Form and Return with a check to the School OR 1.Go to: Register as a New 2.Join our Group: 770963LES 3.Place your order online, 4. Your options for online order payment include Payment to LES PTA or Credit Card Payment. Order Due by MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Pick up your order on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2010

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