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North Korea. Directions Create a fresh page titled North Korea Intro Clip 1. Explain how the North Korean government uses the media. 2. How would you.

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Presentation on theme: "North Korea. Directions Create a fresh page titled North Korea Intro Clip 1. Explain how the North Korean government uses the media. 2. How would you."— Presentation transcript:

1 North Korea

2 Directions Create a fresh page titled North Korea Intro Clip 1. Explain how the North Korean government uses the media. 2. How would you describe their current military situation?

3 Resource 1 – Country Profile pacific/country_profiles/1131421.stm pacific/country_profiles/1131421.stm Directions: Click on the website above to answer the questions below. 1. Who is the leader of North Korea? 2. What type of government do they have? 3. Describe the human rights abuses in North Korea. 4. Explain why North Korea has a weak economy.

4 Resource 2 – North Korea’s Nuclear Missile Program Directions: Click on the website above to answer the questions below. 5. Where did North Korea get its missile supplies? Why did these countries choose North Korea as a trading partner? 6. Identify some of the positive and negative aspects of North Korea’s current missile arsenal. 7. What countries are threatened by the potential range of North Korea’s nuclear weapons?

5 Resource 3 – Underground Testing Directions: Click on the website above. View the graphic by click the NEXT button on the graphic titled “Stages of an Underground Nuclear Test” and read the article to answer the questions below. 8. Describe venting. 9. How do other countries verify North Korea’s underground testing program?

6 Additional Resources A glimpse into a secret state pacific/7952129.stm pacific/7952129.stm North Korea: Engage, Appease, Oppose? pacific/8066719.stm

7 Assignment You are hired by Hilary Clinton to work with her in the US State Department. She is sick and needs you to address the leadership of North Korea. Create an agenda for a meeting with the North Korean government. –Include talking points and an explanation of what you would like to address. –See the sample on the next slide.

8 Sample Agenda Agenda – Meeting between ______ and Kim Jong-IL 1. Talking Point I - Explanation 2. Talking Point 2 - Explanation 3. Talking Point 3 - Explanation Assignment Requirements Title – You must have a title. Talking Points - You must include 3 talking points. Explanations - You must include at least 3 bulleted statements that explain or elaborate on each of the three talking points. These are things you would want to reference and discuss in the meeting.

9 To do List 1. Blogging Assignment – Due last Tuesday at 11:59 2. China Assignment – Due right now 3. North Korea Assignment – Due tomorrow 4. Final Review Sheet – Due next Wednesday

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