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FIMS/Real Estate Workshop Palm Springs, CA June 2-6, 2008 DOE Oak Ridge Office Rebecca Whitehead.

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Presentation on theme: "FIMS/Real Estate Workshop Palm Springs, CA June 2-6, 2008 DOE Oak Ridge Office Rebecca Whitehead."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIMS/Real Estate Workshop Palm Springs, CA June 2-6, 2008 DOE Oak Ridge Office Rebecca Whitehead

2 2 12/22/2015 Responsibilities of Oak Ridge Office Multi-Program Multi-Contractor DOE ORO:  Science  Environmental Cleanup  Nuclear Energy

3 3 12/22/2015 DOE Oak Ridge - Science UT-Battelle (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) Oak Ridge Associated Universities (Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education) Jefferson Science Associates, LLC. (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility; Newport News, VA) Battelle Memorial Institute (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Richland, WA) Stanford University (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center; Menlo Park, CA) Federal Direct Operations  Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI)  DOE-ORO

4 4 12/22/2015 DOE Oak Ridge - Environmental Cleanup Bechtel Jacobs  East Tennessee Technology Park  Oak Ridge National Laboratory Isotek  Oak Ridge National Laboratory – 3019 Complex EnergX  Oak Ridge National Laboratory – TRU Waste Processing Facility

5 5 12/22/2015 DOE Oak Ridge - Other Missions Nuclear Energy  Nuclear Fuel Supply  United States Enrichment Corporation (Paducah and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants, and East Tennessee Technology Park) Asset Utilization

6 Oak Ridge Office Sites

7 7 12/22/2015 Oak Ridge - Status ETTP  Population of FIMS to include 240 Bldgs., 344 OSFs, and 5,639 acres of land.  Accounts for 10% of DOE’s Real Property Inventory. PNNL and SLAC  Fully implemented and maintained FIMS.

8 8 12/22/2015 Status, Con’t. Federal Direct Operations  OSTI  Fully implemented, validated, and maintained FIMS.  DOE-OR  Cataloged and entered OSFs into FIMS. Remaining data fields are populated as source documentation is obtained.  Developed and implemented FIMS QA/QC program.

9 9 12/22/2015 Status, Con’t. ORISE  Preparation continues for additional buildings to be demolished over the next few years.  Transfer of several buildings and land to the Department of Commerce was delayed but now back on track to be completed over the next 6-9 months. USEC  Assigned federal staff to manage FIMS.  Developed corrective action plan (CAP) for March 2008 Validation to populate FIMS with all DOE ownded/USEC leased facilities.  Executing CAP.

10 10 12/22/2015 Status, Con’t. TJNAF  Population of FIMS and contractor expectation of meeting all required deadlines. ORNL  Fully implemented and maintained FIMS.  Data recording and collection from facility operations have been reviewed and are continuously being improved.

11 11 12/22/2015 Oak Ridge - FIMS Validation Status Site/ContractorValidation DateOverall Score ORO Federal (SC)January 2008Green ETTP (BJC-EM)February 2008Green TJNAF (JSA-SC)February 2008Green USEC Pad & Ports GDP (NE) March 2008Red PNNL (BMI- EM & SC) January and March 2008 Green OSTI (SC)March 2008Green SLAC (Stanford-SC)April 2008Green ORNL EM and SC (UT-B, Isotek, EnergX, and BJC) May 2008Green ORISE (ORAU)May 2008Green

12 12 12/22/2015 Oak Ridge Success Stories ETTP  ETTP Closure Project – “…dismantling and preparing the massive (~4.8M gsf) K-25 building for demolition is our biggest challenge.” Quote by Gerald Boyd  Safety of our employees is our primary concern.  K-25 is one of the largest D&D projects in the DOE complex.  Project re-baseline stretches closure to 2016.  Demolished 12 buildings (~558K gsf) and 11 OSFs.  K-31 and K-33 (~4.5M gsf) are available for reuse.  Transferred 6 buildings (~ 289K gsf) to CROET; 3 of those have been acquired by the private sector.  Four more buildings and 6 OSFs will transfer to the City of Oak Ridge in 2008 (~35K gsf).

13 Oak Ridge Success Stories: K-1401 D&D

14 14 12/22/2015 Oak Ridge Success Stories - Cont. ORISE  Cleared out the storage contents of one building to set the stage for its removal, so we can expand a recently built Shipping and Receiving Facility. ORNL (EM Isotek and EnergX work)  Completion of Isotek’s and EnergX’s first FIMS validation in May ’08.  Submission of Isotek’s first asset management plan to DOE for approval which includes real estate.  Submission of CD-1 in May for the D&D of 292 buildings at ORNL.

15 Oak Ridge Success Stories ORNL (EM BJC Work)  Completed fuel removal at Molten Salt Reactor.  Obtained Bethel Valley Groundwater Engineering Study on soil and surface water samples.  Installed monitoring wells to further identify existing contamination.  Installed Melton Valley Pickett Wells to monitor potential exit pathway from Melton Valley disposal area.  Performed Tank W-1A TRU Soil Sampling to obtain detailed analytical data on the TRU soil and identify the TRU and LLW boundary.  Disposed of 5 m 3 of newly generated MLLW through the end of April 2008 for FY ’ 08.

16 16 12/22/2015 Oak Ridge Success Stories - Cont. SLAC  Approval by DOE of High Value/Low Maintenance RPV’s for unique facilities.

17 17 12/22/2015 Oak Ridge FIMS Issues None to report

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