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Understanding Newton and the tree… ? How can the moon be falling toward Earth??? A Centripetal Acceleration… acceleration that is “center seeking” For.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Newton and the tree… ? How can the moon be falling toward Earth??? A Centripetal Acceleration… acceleration that is “center seeking” For."— Presentation transcript:


2 Understanding Newton and the tree… ?

3 How can the moon be falling toward Earth??? A Centripetal Acceleration… acceleration that is “center seeking” For mass to be accelerating there must be… To find the centripetal Force, we need to be able to find centripetal acceleration…

4 R R θ θ b bRbRbRbR ΔvvΔvvΔvvΔvv = Finding the centripetal acceleration… If Δt  0 (to find instantaneous acceleration) then… v v a = Δv/ Δt … essentially the change in velocity v v ΔvΔv a = Δv/ Δt… so… b*v R ΔvΔvΔvΔv = acacacac v2Rv2Rv2Rv2R =

5 Is this the same for anything to travel in a circle…

6 Centripetal vs. Centrifugal

7 So What Provides the Centripetal Force Necessary for orbit?

8 What does the Gravity force come from??? ? Ancient thinkers say… Newton says… Einstein…

9 How does gravity “work” then…? Use your brain and with the facts you know to decide what variables would define the strength of gravity… F g = ?

10 Distance Force of Gravity On the road to an equation

11 300 x Distance 300 x Force of Gravity

12 Distance Gravitational F FF Force is DIRECTLY proportional to the PRODUCT of the M MM Masses Force ~ Mass1 · Mass2 300 x 80 x 24,000 x Force of Gravity

13 200 lbs ? lbs Radius 2·Radius What about the distance between the masses?

14 Distance = 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R Gravity = 1 g 1/4 g 1/9 g 1/16 g GRAVITY – “like a force field” Force ~ 1 / Dist.2

15 GRAVITY – a mathematical look How fast is the moon accelerating? a = v 2 r t = 27.3 days r = 3.84 x 10 8 m Compare that to “g” on Earth… Force ~ 1 / Dist.2

16 Newton’s hypothesis of Universal Gravitation Force = G Mass 1 · Mass 2 Distance 2 Distance 2 What’s up with the “G”

17 m2m2 m1m1 Weight Gravitational Force Distance Force = G Force = G m1 ·m2R2m1 ·m2R2m1 ·m2R2m1 ·m2R2G = 6.67 x 10-11

18 Mass of Earth Mass of Earth 5,975,800,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg (13,174,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 lbs) ? How do they know that?


20 m2m2m2m2 1 kg Distance = 6,378,160 meters Gravitational Force = 9.8 N Force = G Force = G m1 ·m2R2m1 ·m2R2m1 ·m2R2m1 ·m2R2 9.8 = 6.67 x 10 -11 9.8 = 6.67 x 10 -11 1 ·m 2 6,378,160 2 m2 = 5.975,8 x 10 24 kg

21 Distance = 6,378,160 meters How do they know that? Good ole “Eratosthenes”

22 Force = G Mass 1 · Mass 2 Distance 2 Distance 2

23 IMAX – Cosmic Voyage

24 F g = G m 1 m 2 r 2 How many masses are in the Universe…

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