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Acute Coronary Syndromes in West Hertfordshire Masood Khan.

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1 Acute Coronary Syndromes in West Hertfordshire Masood Khan

2 Cardiology Connect Meeting 16 June 2010 Chronology of Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease

3 Cardiology Connect Meeting 16 June 2010 Antithrombotic Therapy Stable Angina Unstable Angina Non– Q-wave MI Thrombolysis Primary PCI Q-wave MI Minutes- hours Days- weeks STEMI NSTEMI Atherothrombosis New term Old term Plaque Rupture Current terminology in ACS Normal cardiac enzymes Elevated cardiac enzymes Unstable Angina

4 Cardiology Connect Meeting 16 June 2010 Outcomes: Admission to 6 Months Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events

5 Cardiology Connect Meeting 16 June 2010 Treatment of ACS STEMI Immediate PCI NSTEMI Early PCI UA Non-invasive or PCI Risk assessment Lifestyle changes and secondary prevention Chest pain Early suspicion and diagnosis

6 Cardiology Connect Meeting 16 June 2010

7 ACS pain  Pain in chest, arms, back or jaw >15 min  Associated with:  Nausea/vomiting  Breathlessness  Sweating  Do not assess symptoms differently  ethnic groups, or  gender  Do not use response to GTN to make diagnosis

8 Cardiology Connect Meeting 16 June 2010 ACS hospital referral  Currently in pain, or  Pain free, but pain in last 12 hours and ECG abnormal or unavailable Same day:  Chest pain within 12 hours, but  Now pain free, and  ECG normal or  Chest pain 12-72 hours

9 Cardiology Connect Meeting 16 June 2010 ACS – start management immediately! Chest pain Pain relief  GTN  Opiate Aspirin 300mg Pulse oximetery  O2 if SpO2 < 94% 12 lead ECG  STE or LBBB?  ACS not excluded if ECG normal

10 Cardiology Connect Meeting 16 June 2010 Secondary prevention Aspirin 75 mg od  Dyspepsia: + low dose PPI  Healed Ulcer: + high dose PPI Β-blocker Clopidogrel 7mg od for 1 yr ACE inhib or A2 antag Statin  dose and drug controversial Aldosterone antag. If present in heart failure

11 Cardiology Connect Meeting 16 June 2010 ACS in W Herts  2 consultant cardiology ward rounds each week day, 1 each Sat & Sun  All cardiology patients & referrals  Appropriate management decisions  Timely discharge  Cardiac catheter lab available 5 days/week  Dedicated slots for in patients

12 Cardiology Connect Meeting 16 June 2010 ACS in W Herts Data from NW London IHT 603 inpatient referrals to WGH cathlab in 2009 0 NICE target <96 hrs

13 Cardiology Connect Meeting 16 June 2010 West Herts. Heart Attack Centre National target

14 Cardiology Connect Meeting 16 June 2010 ACS in W Herts  Currently auditing appropriateness of discharge medication  100% referral to cardiac rehabilitation  All patients undergoing PCI offered follow up in cardiology clinic  follow up time should be shorter

15 Thank you

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