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A REVIEW Direct / Indirect Characterization. Which is this? I hated pizza. I know, I know, it’s weird, but it is true. All that red gunk followed by cheese.

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Presentation on theme: "A REVIEW Direct / Indirect Characterization. Which is this? I hated pizza. I know, I know, it’s weird, but it is true. All that red gunk followed by cheese."— Presentation transcript:

1 A REVIEW Direct / Indirect Characterization

2 Which is this? I hated pizza. I know, I know, it’s weird, but it is true. All that red gunk followed by cheese gunk, followed by bits of meat... And who knew how long that meat had been sitting out?!? My friends say I am picky, but that’s not true. It’s just that pizza is gross.

3 It’s DIRECT! What did you learn about the character? They don’t like pizza. They’re picky about their food. They are grossed out by pizza.

4 Which is this? Sarah sat down with a tray. On top sat a big chunk of slobbery-looking, reheated, gloppy pizza. “What is this?” I asked. “Come on, just try one bite,” Sarah pleaded. “No way,” I said. “Don’t try to make me eat that.” Sarah just shook her head. “Don’t you want to fit in?” I just shot her a look. She knew the answer to that.

5 It’s INDIRECT! What did you learn about the character? They don’t like pizza. They stand out by not liking pizza. They don’t care that they stand out. They don’t respond to peer / friend pressure.

6 Both selections do the same thing! Both selections are telling you about CHARACTER, not PLOT. We are focusing on what we learn about the CHARACTERS. It is just the way they do them is different. It is whether you are SHOWN (indirect) vs. TOLD (direct). Real authors use a mix of both.

7 Try it yourself! Use the scenario below to write an example of DIRECT characterization: Izzy has just been told that she needs to go to the principal’s office. She has no idea what for.

8 Now try INDIRECT! Using the situation below, try using INDIRECT characterization: Matthew has just learned that due to technology, there will be no more “snow days” at school. Instead, they will all be asked to report in over the internet.

9 What is this passage telling us? Jake is Cassie's older brother. One day they are walking home from school when a cold front rolls in and the temperature drops 20 degrees. Jake is dressed more appropriately for the weather than Cassie. He takes off his hooded sweatshirt and offers it to her. She gratefully accepts. Jake is now colder, but he is happier. What character trait does Jake demonstrate? ______________________________________________ Explain your answer by referencing the text.

10 What is this passage telling us? Kelvin found a wallet on the ground. He opened up the wallet and saw an old woman's ID card. Kelvin took the ID out of the wallet, walked to the woman's house, and returned the wallet to her. What character trait does Kelvin demonstrate? _________________________________________ Explain your answer by referencing the text.

11 Now you try: Describe how a “neat freak’s” kitchen might look.

12 Now you try: Describe how a scientist would look.

13 Now you try: Describe what a person who doesn’t get enough sleep looks like.

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