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Ecology The study of how organisms interact with living and non- living aspects of their environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology The study of how organisms interact with living and non- living aspects of their environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology The study of how organisms interact with living and non- living aspects of their environment.

2 3 Factors that Sustain Life on Earth 1.The one way flow of high quality energy from the sun to the earth. 2.The cycling of matter within the biosphere. (Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Phosphorous, Sulfur etc.) 3.Gravity which holds on to the earths atmosphere which allows for movement and cycling.

3 4 Spheres of the Earth

4 Biosphere 2

5 Levels of Organization Organism- an individual. Population- Group of individuals of the same species living in the same place. Community- Populations of different species interacting with each other. Ecosystem- a community of different species interacting with the Biotic and Abiotic components of their environment. Biome- A collection of Ecosystems that share the same climate.


7 Abiotic Factors All non-living elements of an ecosystem. Water, Air, Rocks, Heat, and Solar Energy Limiting Factors for Ecosystems- Too much or too little of any abiotic factor can limit or prevent growth of a population. There is a “Range of Tolerance” for most organisms.

8 Biotic Factors All living or once living things in an ecosystem. Plants, Animals, Fungi, Protist, Bacteria and any waste created by these living things.

9 Environmental Impact Assessment (E.I.A.) A report prepared before a development project to change the use of land. Looks at both advantages and disadvantages of the change. Establishes how the abiotic and biotic would change due to the development. Must establish a Baseline study of the current state of the environment and then make predictions on how it could change

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