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It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some.

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Presentation on theme: "It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some."— Presentation transcript:

1 It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together By Grulness- GNU Free LicenseGrulness Paco travels to New Zealand: It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together

2 It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together At the minimum, a prepositional phrase will begin with a preposition and end with a noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause, the "object" of the preposition. These are the patterns for a prepositional phrase: preposition + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause preposition + modifier(s) + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause Here are some examples of the most basic prepositional phrase: At home (At = preposition; home = noun.) With me (With = preposition; me = pronoun) By singing (By = preposition; singing = gerund) About what we need (About = preposition; what we need = noun clause) ‘The prepositional phrases’

3 It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together In general, we use: at for a POINT in for an ENCLOSED SPACE on for a SURFACE ‘Place prepositions (I)’

4 It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together Elaboración propia.Cedidos todos los derechos a la Consejería de Educación. Junta de Extremadura ‘Prepositions of place (II)’

5 It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together It has been such a good time that they have decided to spend some more time together The sentence: "It was such a long concert that they decided to go to bed early“ is a consecutive clause in which the subordinate clause: It was such a long concert, introduces the consequence of what happens in the main clause: to go to bed early. The main connectors related to this type of subordinate clauses are: So; with the result that; so.... that; Such.... that; as a result of; therefore; for this reason; consequently. ‘Consecutive clauses’

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