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Thursday 8 th October 2015. » Raised Expectations » Larger amount to cover » New and changed vocabulary » Your children started in Year 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday 8 th October 2015. » Raised Expectations » Larger amount to cover » New and changed vocabulary » Your children started in Year 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday 8 th October 2015

2 » Raised Expectations » Larger amount to cover » New and changed vocabulary » Your children started in Year 5

3 Here at St Joseph's we have been preparing for 2 years for these changes Here at St Joseph's we have been preparing for 2 years for these changes Changed our curriculum Changed our curriculum Attended courses Attended courses Adapted resources Adapted resources

4 » In previous years we have had Level 6 for the very talented. » Test now covers all- meaning many questions towards the end of the test are challenging. » Results will NOT be a level » At expectation or Below expectation » Some children will NOT do the test if they are too far below expectation

5 » Grammar and Spelling paper- 45 minutes (49 questions) » We have had this before- but much of the vocabulary in the curriculum has changed, therefore children need to learn correct terms

6 Write the contracted form of the underlined word. » That decision does not seem fair. Circle all the words in the sentence below that should start with a capital letter. » Henry tudor married his first wife, catherine, in june 1509. they married in london.

7 SentenceMain Clause Subordinate Clause Billie, who was nine years old, loved to play tennis. Billie’s Mum bought her a tennis racket so that she could play more often. Billie could not play tennis with her friend Lana because Lana did not have a racket. Tick one box in each row to show if the underlined clause is a main clause or a subordinate clause.

8 » Spelling – 20 sentences- dictated that children have to complete » Examples: » discover » loose » sleigh » delicious » unavoidably » scent » parachute » ominous

9 » Reading – 1 hour » 3 texts to read, of increasing difficulty with approx 36 questions- a total of 50 marks » Higher level reading questions

10 The story is told from the perspective of » Professor Summerlee » Lord John » Malone » Professor Challenger

11 » How does the first paragraph suggest that the characters are in a lost world?

12 The mood of the characters changes throughout the extract Find and copy the group of words on page 9 where Lord John’s mood change. Answer: “ I don’t know what anyone else thinks, but this place makes me very uneasy”

13 » Arithmetic Test » 30 minutes » 33 questions (40 Marks) » Calculations- how to follow methods and complete. » Many can be done mentally.

14 » 123x2= » 50,000-5000= » 20% of 1,500= » 13 3016

15 » Paper 2 and 3 are reasoning papers » 40 minutes each » 19 Questions (35 marks each) » No calculators allowed.

16 Round 124,531 » To the nearest 10,000 » To the nearest 1,000 » To the nearest 100

17 » Confident » Relaxed » Prepared

18 » Reading » Writing » Maths » Science- all aspects

19 » Week Beginning 9 th May

20 » All sample papers are available to look at on the web page apers+2016 apers+2016

21 » Support them in all their homework » Encourage them to read challenging books » Encourage them to use espresso at home- there are lots of good games to help them » Look at some of the websites- given tonight » Ensure a good balance of work/play/activity » Encourage your child to be independent » Every learning moment counts in year 6- keep them healthy!

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