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Active Thinking Rationalism Words and images Pietism Passive Emotion Quietism Emptying of all images & words Anti-worldly Hated & Suspicion.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Thinking Rationalism Words and images Pietism Passive Emotion Quietism Emptying of all images & words Anti-worldly Hated & Suspicion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Thinking Rationalism Words and images Pietism Passive Emotion Quietism Emptying of all images & words Anti-worldly Hated & Suspicion

2 Knowing of the body by senses Knowing of the mind by reason Knowing of the spirit by contemplation FlowPlayContemplation Flow Play Contemplation

3 Flow (Creative Process)PlayContemplation 1. Contemplation is the free1. (Voluntary)1. Voluntary 2. More penetrating gaze of a mind 2. Concentration is deep2. Active engagement 3. Suspended with wonder3. Self-consciousness disappears 3a. The sense of time is altered 3b The experience is “autotelic” (worth having for itself 3. No extrinsic goal 4. Concerning manifestations of wisdom 4. Feedback is immediate4. Links to creativity, learning languages, social roles 4a. Goals are clear 4b. Skills match challenges 4c. Control is possible 4d. Problems are forgotten 5. (Is pleasurable, ecstatic)(5. Is pleasurable)5. Is pleasurable Richard of St VictorMihaly Csikszentmihalyi’sCatherine Garvey A mapping / comparison of the theories of process in contemplation, creativity and play

4 Knowing Tool Box 1. Using the right tool for the job Knowing of the mind by reason Knowing of the body by the senses Knowing of the spirit by contemplation 2.Where are we going ? Other-directedOther WorldlySelf-AwarenessJourney 3. Jesus’ Three Parabolic Probes Concerning Spiritual Maturity i.The Ultimate Game is Hide and Seek ii.The Non-verbal Cue for the Game is Play iii.Mutual Blessing is the Ethic

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