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I231B QUANTITATIVE METHODS ANOVA continued and Intro to Regression.

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Presentation on theme: "I231B QUANTITATIVE METHODS ANOVA continued and Intro to Regression."— Presentation transcript:

1 I231B QUANTITATIVE METHODS ANOVA continued and Intro to Regression

2 Agenda 2 Exploration and Inference revisited More ANOVA ( Basics of Regression (

3 3 It is "well known" to be "logically unsound and practically misleading" to make inference as if a model is known to be true when it has, in fact, been selected from the same data to be used for estimation purposes. - Chris Chatfield in "Model Uncertainty, Data Mining and Statistical Inference", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 158 (1995), 419-486 (p 421)

4 Never mix exploratory analysis with inferential modeling of the same variables in the same dataset. 4  Exploratory model building is when you hand-pick some variables of interest and keep adding/removing them until you find something that ‘works’.  Inferential models are specified in advance: there is an assumed model and you are testing whether it actually works with the current data.

5 (ONE IV AND ONE DV) 5 Basic Linear Regression

6 Regression versus Correlation 6 Correlation makes no assumption about one whether one variable is dependent on the other– only a measure of general association Regression attempts to describe a dependent nature of one or more explanatory variables on a single dependent variable. Assumes one-way causal link between X and Y. Thus, correlation is a measure of the strength of a relationship -1 to 1, while regression measures the exact nature of that relationship (e.g., the specific slope which is the change in Y given a change in X)

7 Basic Linear Model 7 Y i = b 0 + b 1 x i + e i.  X (and X-axis) is our independent variable(s)  Y (and Y-axis) is our dependent variable  b 0 is a constant (y-intercept)  b 1 is the slope (change in Y given a one-unit change in X)  e is the error term (residuals)

8 Basic Linear Function 8

9 Slope 9 But...what happens if B is negative?

10 Statistical Inference Using Least Squares 10 We obtain a sample statistic, b, which estimates the population parameter. We also have the standard error for b Uses standard t-distribution with n-2 degrees of freedom for hypothesis testing. Y i = b 0 + b 1 x i + e i.

11 Why Least Squares? 11 For any Y and X, there is one and only one line of best fit. The least squares regression equation minimizes the possible error between our observed values of Y and our predicted values of Y (often called y-hat).

12 Data points and Regression 12 regress/regress.html regress/regress.html

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