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Experimental design Course development NSS Thursday 10 Nov.

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1 Experimental design Course development NSS Thursday 10 Nov

2 Set up standard strategy for example description in R and MS-word Aknowledgment to investigators (name, time, location, …) Research question, hypothesis to test Description of experiment and design –Crossed  nested –Fixed  random Description of logical model Dataset in csv format Metadat Tabular and graphical representations of design and data. –Outliers, MV. –First exploratory glimpse on the information –Check replication Analysis –Test preconditions of model –ANOVA –GLM –Multiple comparisons Tabular presentation of results Graphical presentation of the results Add any multimedia information, like images, animation… to increase appeal of the exp (images of field plots, demonstrating design aspect, measurements, preparations, labs, …)

3 Set up standard strategy for example description in R and MS-word Responsibilities –3 IUC partners engage in finding good examples –Document the examples along to the template –Write R-code –Distribute for discussion –Increase realism and appeal with images, animations, … –Investigate possibilities for interaction on the WWW –Upload to dropbox or later to WWW Deadline end of January 2012 Proposal. Each team fully develops a certain amount of examples along to template

4 Investigate possibilities for interaction on the WWW Open possibilities for the student to investigate more on experimental designs in database –Balanced => unbalanced –From CRD => RCBD => LS, fi GH applet –Play with nr of blocks, replications, …. –….

5 Set up standard strategy for example description in R and MS-word Responsibilities –Jimma: Yehenew Getachew RCBD, 2 F. Fully crosed Split plot greco-latin sq

6 Set up standard strategy for example description in R and MS-word Responsibilities –Cuenca: Vladimiro Tobar RCBD, 1 F ?

7 Set up standard strategy for example description in R and MS-word Responsibilities –Colombia, Bucaramanga: Daniel Martinez RCBD, 1 F Repeated measures ….

8 Set up standard strategy for example description in R and MS-word Responsibilities –Colombia, Bogota: Carlos Bojaca CRD, more F RCBD, 1 F Repeated measures NlMixed ….

9 Set up standard strategy for example description in R and MS-word Responsibilities –UNALM: –Felipe de Mendiburu, Ivan Soto, Ana Vargas. Alpha Lattice Augmented design Split Plot Split split plot Strip Split Plot

10 Set up prerequisites for DOE course, both practitioners and stats staff Baby statistics => DOE If NO baby stats –Statistical concepts –Linear models Simple regression? More?

11 Set up of basic outline DOE course Basic concepts of experimental design Exp with 1 factor Full factorial exp with 2 factors Exp with more factors Fixed  Random Nesting Designs Specialised topics

12 Set up of basic outline DOE course: KUL Applied Linear Statistical Models 5th Edition Kutner - Nachtsheim – Neter - Li McGraw-Hill International Edition 2005 ISBN: 007 – 112221 - 4 5 credits 2 de sem of 3 th Bac Bioscience Engineering 26 + 26 h contact, lect + practice

13 ANOVA - Equal replications per cell - 1 obs per cell - Unequal replications per cell - Missing cells More factors (fixed, crossed) Nested factors Design 2 factors (fixed, crossed)Principles - Randomisation - Replication Design structures -Blocks -Complete -BIB - Repeated measurements - Split-plots -(Fractional designs) Mixed models (fixed + random) Schematic outline: DOE at practitioners

14 Additionally ANOVA  GLM ANOVA Diagnostics ANCOVA Coding, Contrast…GLM? Multiple comparisons Type 1 SS => Type 3 SS

15 Time tables UNALM: 14 weeks: 3 h/w Lect + 2 h/w Prac Jimma: 16 weeks: 2 h/w Lect + 3 h/w Prac KUL: 13 weeks: 2 h/w Lect + 2 h/w Pract Contact Ivan Soto for outline DOE

16 Possible extra specialized modules in DOE course Design and analysis of mixture experiments Response surface methodology DOE in systems analysis Optimal experimental design theory Optimal design for nonlinear models Super saturated designs Nonparametric alternatives Fractional factorials Power analysis ….

17 Organisation Cuenca, Jimma 4 days too much, 2 days! Planning? Dropbox, mail, file exchange, …… When Cuenca? April 2012 –TD Training for practitioners. Cuenca and other Ec U When Jimma? Jan-Feb 2013 ….

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