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Presentation on theme: "Colossians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colossians

2 Colossae

3 The question of Who? It is always important to establish to whom a biblical letter was written It is equally important to understand ourselves as we read it Who we are has an impact on the text we read

4 The Social Order of the Roman Empire
Emperor Senators Equestrian Order Local Officials Tax Officials Traders, Merchants and Artisans Small Landowners Tenant Farmers Freedmen / Women Day Labourers Barbarians Slaves (Inc. Scythians) Expendables

5 The Social Order of the Roman Empire
Around 90% of the ancient world lived in poverty Most of Colossae would have been made up of uneducated gentiles The main export of Colossae would have been purple linen A large portion of the economy will have been farm based Literacy would have been higher amongst the Jews, whom the letter would have been entrusted to

6 The Church at Colossae “Sometimes the whole church in one city might be small enough to be accommodated in the home of one of its members.” FF Bruce – The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon and to the Ephesians The House Church of Colossae was likely in Philemon’s house The church had been started by Epaphras, who is now with Paul and has been left in the care of Archippus.

7 Colossae on the Map “Sometimes the whole church in one city might be small enough to be accommodated in the home of one of its members.” FF Bruce – The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon and to the Ephesians The House Church of Colossae was likely in Philemon’s house The church had been started by Epaphras, who is now with Paul and has been left in the care of Archippus.

8 Colossae

9 Colossae

10 Christ and Christian Experience
2:6-15 – The core message of Colossians, Christ is wholly sufficient for the believer Rooted Overflowing Fullness Whole All Pause – Compare the compartmentalised world of the 1st century Colossae with our pick and choose, part-life religious world today. What difference does it make if the faith we hold is all consuming?

11 Christ and Christian Experience
2:16-23 Paul opposes both Jewish and Pagan influences and imposed traditions from outside the church Pause – What is there in our traditions that have become a method or formula, rather than an expression or response to God’s grace in our lives?

12 Christ and Christian Experience
3:1-17 – Paul’s Picture of the Christian Life 1) Your heart and minds are set on things above 2) Sinful desires should decrease as Christ increases 3) The community you live in is not segregated and classed as in your world, it is truly equal 4) You don’t lie to each other 5) You exude compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience 6) You forgive as God forgives you 7) You have a people to encourage and support 8) What you do in your life is for God’s glory and not your own Pause – from what we know of the Colossian world, how do these attributes change their lives and the world and around them?

13 Rules for the Christian Household
3:18-25 This is not a controversial passage of scripture! Paul’s inclusion of wives, children and slaves gave them status in a culture where they had none In Christ all are made equal

14 Questions to ponder… How much are we trying to make up our salvation?
What are we trying to substitute Christ with in our church traditions? What old ways of the world are being blended with our faith? How does our faith in our all consuming Jesus subvert the empire in which we live?


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