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Colloquium PPIA Victoria University Prepared by: Reni Suwarso, Ketua PPIA Victoria University

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1 Colloquium PPIA Victoria University Prepared by: Reni Suwarso, Ketua PPIA Victoria University

2 WHAT IS COLLOQUIUM? Colloquium is an informal seminar in which a particular topic is discussed among a group of colleagues. Usually, one or two people among the group present their papers before they defend their papers in formal presentation, examination, submission, publishing.

3 COLLOQUIUM AT VICTORIA UNIVERSITY The colloquium offers the opportunity for postgraduate students to engage in discussion with experienced supervisor with up-date good knowledge on Indonesia, and to access peer-to-peer and inter-disciplinary exchange and support

4 COLLOQUIUM PRESENTATION Students are asked to make a 15 to 30 minutes presentation describing their research (depend on their stage of writing), in either English or Bahasa Indonesia. Followed by 30-60 minutes discussion for each presentation

5 COLLOQUIUM ORGANIZATION Organized by PPIA Victoria University Every Friday afternoon, fortnightly, at 4.00 – 6.00 pm, open for public, no registration fee, with maximum capacity for 15-20 seats. PPIA Victoria University provide the discussion with LCD Projector, Laptop Computer, and afternoon refreshments.

6 COLLOQUIUM BENEFITS get inputs, critics, reflections, predictions, to improve the substance of the class/ course paper, candidature paper, final thesis, article for publishing, paper for conference, etc. gain more confidence to present their paper. achieve higher mark since she/he has opportunity to improve the writing before submission

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