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The Crucible. Objective: We will present a lesson about a topic related to the Crucible, assess the class using Google Forms and analyze the results.

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Presentation on theme: "The Crucible. Objective: We will present a lesson about a topic related to the Crucible, assess the class using Google Forms and analyze the results."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crucible

2 Objective: We will present a lesson about a topic related to the Crucible, assess the class using Google Forms and analyze the results.

3 Warm-up (Day 1) After viewing the video, we’re going to answer these questions (in our groups): – 1. What happened in the video? – 2. Can you relate the events in the video to an event in your life? – 3. How does the topic of the video relate to events in The Crucible? You Tube clip video The Peer Pressure Experiment—Part 1) (The) and answer the questions above. share your responses with the class.

4 Warm-up (Day 2) Reflect on this scenario: You took a test in one of your classes, and you didn’t think it was fair test. In your groups, create a list of reasons why the test was unfair. Post your responses on chart paper. Go on a gallery walk to view the group responses. Let’s talk about the importance of creating a fair assessment.

5 Warm-up (Day 3) These are the warm-up questions—to answer after we view the video below. 1. Create a list of the first 5 steps for creating a document using Google Forms 2. We’re going to use Google Drive to create a quiz but it can be used for personal purposes, too. What else could you use Google Forms for? View the Google Forms Tutorial by Anson Alexander on (You Tube) **watch two times if needed**

6 Warm-up (Day 4) Working in your groups, write a reflection (4 to 5 sentences) that predicts the outcome of the assessment. 1. Do the items on your text target facts or concepts presented in your PowerPoint or Prezi? 2. List two examples.

7 I CAN I CAN use databases, websites and search engines to find information about the topic. I CAN create a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. I CAN create a fair assessment using Google Drive (Google Forms) I CAN teach (share) what I learned about a topic to other students. I CAN assess the audience (the class) for feedback and to ensure my lesson was effective. I CAN analyze the results of an assessment. I CAN use databases, websites and search engines to find information about the topic.

8 Teacher Directed (Day 1) Review of Library Resources OPAC Catalog Databases WebPath Express Sweet Google Crucible Website

9 List of Topics Salem Witch Trials Witchcraft Puritan Religion McCarthyism Communism and Un-American Activities Red Scare and Blacklists Modern-day Witch Hunts

10 Teacher Directed—(Day 2) Day 2: The instructional media specialist will share the I CAN statements with the students. (see above) Let’s look at the assessment rubric. Get in their groups and complete their PowerPoint Presentation started in this last class and Write four assessment questions based on their PowerPoint.

11 Teacher Directed (Day 3) Lets look at how to: create a Google Form Save a link of the test and send it to other students using the distribution list.

12 Teacher Directed – Day 4 It’s time to present. This is how to operate the LCD projector and laptop…

13 Closure—Day 1 During the next visit to the library, you’re going to write questions for a quiz that you will give your classmates after you present your PowerPoint or Prezi. Based on the information you found about your topics, write a question about the topic and post it on the parking lot.

14 Closure Day 2 Reflect on the question you wrote for the closure during the last visit to the library. Now that you understand more about writing assessment questions, re-write the question so that it is clearer and more objective. Post your revised question on the parking lot.

15 Closure--Day 3 Post one “take-away” that you learned about writing tests today on the parking lot.

16 Closure Day 4 During the warm-up you predicted how students would perform on the assessment test. Go to Google Forms and analyze the data. As a group, write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) explaining how the students performed on your test, and how you could improve the PowerPoint (or Prezi) and/or the Google Forms assessment.

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