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The purpose is to inform you about the candidates, their positions, and other facts about the 2008 Presidential Election.

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2 The purpose is to inform you about the candidates, their positions, and other facts about the 2008 Presidential Election.

3 2008

4 The Candidates

5 Republican Party National Security Government Reform EconomyEnergyEnvironment Health Care

6 National Security  Reduce size of nuclear arsenal and work with other nations to do the same.  Increase intelligence – key to prevention. Understand the ins and outs of bioterrorism and cyber terrorism.

7 Government Reform  Change the government so that the interests will be for the long term.  Spend only what is necessary. TAX only to raise revenue for essentials.

8 Economy  Strengthen and build a greater degree of security.  Keep more of what you earn.  Tax only for essentials.  Lower taxes for families  Reduce corporate tax - people will keep their jobs.  Reform fundamental taxing.

9 Energy  Bring down the high cost of gasoline and diesel fuel.  Create more jobs for American workers.  Enhance our national security.  Draw oil from American supplies.  Nuclear energy.  Reduce demand for fossil fuels – especially due to the dependence on foreign countries.

10 Environment  Rely on new technologies to decrease emissions.  Cooperate with other nations about the global concern.  Make changes but not have the American people sacrifice their ways of life.

11 Healthcare  Encourage for decisions about when to use health care dollars.  Make patients understand their health care plan.

12 John McCain was the Republican candidate with running mate Sarah Palin.


14 Democratic Platform Obama’s plans for his presidency include:  jumpstarting the economy and providing middle class American’s immediate relief  Affordable, Quality Health Care Coverage for All Americans · Retirement · Good Jobs with Good Pay · Work and Family · Poverty · Opportunity for Women

15 Investing in American competitiveness New American Energy A World Class Education for Every Child Pre-school K-12 Higher Education Science, Technology and Innovation Invest in Manufacturing and Our Manufacturing Communities Creating New Jobs by Rebuilding American Infrastructure A Connected America Support Small Business and Entrepreneurship Real Leadership for Rural America

16 Ending the war in Iraq  Defeating Al Qaeda and Combating Terrorism  Win in Afghanistan  Seek a new partnership with Pakistan  Combat terrorism  Secure the homeland  Pursue intelligence reform

17 Preventing the spread and use of weapons of mass destruction  A World without Nuclear Weapon  Secure Nuclear Weapons and the Materials to Make them  End the Production of Fissile Material  End Cold War Nuclear Postures  Prevent Iran from Acquiring Nuclear Weapons  De-Nuclearize North Korea  Biological and Chemical Weapons  Stronger Cyber-Security

18 Spreading respect for human rights · Build Democratic Institutions · Invest in our Common Humanity · Global Health · Human Trafficking

19 Saving our planet  Establish Energy Security  Lead to Combat Climate Change

20 Barack Obama was the Democratic candidate with running mate Joe Biden.


22 OBAMA WINS and was sworn in on January 22, 2009.

23 Importance Since the country is in a recession, the president chosen has the chance to have great impact on the economy, which will effect not only the United States but the entire world. The swearing in of Barack Obama marks a historical moment in history. He is the first African-American President of our country.

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