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Introduction to the Standard Running Environment (SRE) of the Integrating Model & Data Infrastructure Heinrich Widmann, M&D.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Standard Running Environment (SRE) of the Integrating Model & Data Infrastructure Heinrich Widmann, M&D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Standard Running Environment (SRE) of the Integrating Model & Data Infrastructure Heinrich Widmann, M&D

2 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann2 Outline Components of the SRE Standard Directory Structure of Experiments Generation of Tasks Running Environment SRE File Systems and DKRZ Computing Facilities Models and Platforms supported by SRE Benefits and Documentation

3 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann3 Experiment flow within IMDI SVN Repository Modify source code Post- Processin g Compile script generation Compi- lation Config.of the experiment Generate Tasks Retrieve source code Model execution Post- processing VisualisationArchiving SCM SCE SRE SRE-Tasks

4 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann4 Components of SRE Standardized directory structure the executables (generated by SCE) the input, output and restart files tools for script generation setup files for the experiment directories to run the experiment m4 and ksh scripts to generate site and model specific scripts from a common base of header files for model execution post-processing, visualisation and archiving Computing and archiving facilities

5 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann5 SRE directory structure of ’experiments’ experiments exp1 exp2 input bininput outdata restart log scriptswork mod1 coupler mod1 coupler mod1 coupler RUN_cplmod_exp2 POST_cplmod_exp2 VIS_cplmod_exp2 SAVE_cplmod_exp2 IMDIROOT util SX bin running mod1.x,mod2.x coupler.x mod1.x,mod2.x coupler.x

6 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann6 Generation of Tasks RUN_cplmod_id - Model integration POST_cplmod_id - Output data postprocessing VIS_cplmod_id - Output data visualisation SAVE_cplmod_id - Archiving Create_TASKS.frm cplmod ID [node] setup_cplmod_id check_setup_cplmod m4 User adaptation Include File Repository *.h *node.h *model.h *cplmod.h Tasks m4

7 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann7 The Running environment model execution postprocessing visualisation archiving executables archive output data restart files Create_TASKS.frm cplmod ID POST_cplmod_ID SAVE_cplmod_ID RUN_cplmod_ID VIS_cplmod_ID Tasks archive_in input data restart files

8 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann8 Postprocessin g DB-Filling LE-Visualisation HE-Visualisation File Archive Preprocessing Start Rerun Stop DB Archive ww w Archiving Postprocessin g DB-Filling LE-Visualisation HE-Visualisation File Archive Preprocessing Start Rerun Stop DB Archive ww w Archiving Post- processing DB-Filling LE- Visualisation Pre processing Start Rerun Stop ww w Archiving File Archive HE- Visualisation Processing Independence and interoperability of tasks

9 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann9 The Setup File setup_cplmod_ID Specification of all configurable variables of the experiment Non configurable variables in complete_setup_cplmod.h config_experiment.h config_cplmod.h config_timecontrol.h config_postprocessing.h config_postprocessing_model.h config_archive.h config_visualisation.h config_visualisation_model.h config_mpi_node.h config_filesystem.h config_site_node.h config_commands_node.h complete_setup_cplmod.h cplmod: coupled model ID: experiment id node: node name model: component model

10 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann10 The Runscript comments_cplmod.h queue_commands_node.h setup_cplmod_ID complete_setup_cplmod.h functions.h calendar.h create_directories.h get_executables_cplmod.h get_input_data_model.h namelist_model.h launching_cplmod_node.h save_output_model.h postprocessing_model.h submit_next_jobs.h for all component models and the coupler Definitions Preprocessing Execution Postprocessing Job submission cplmod: coupled model node: node name ID: experiment ID model: component model

11 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann11 Runtime Control 0001 03 01 3 next year next monthnext day next job Wed Feb 2 10:46:36 MET 2005 : Beginning of Experiment D01b Wed Feb 2 10:46:36 MET 2005 : 1 00010101 0:41880.siox3 - start Wed Feb 2 11:00:24 MET 2005 : 1 00010131 0:41880.siox3 - done Wed Feb 2 11:02:14 MET 2005 : 2 00010201 0:41909.siox3 - start Wed Feb 2 11:14:01 MET 2005 : 2 00010228 0:41909.siox3 - done Wed Feb 2 11:14:01 MET 2005 : Experiment over real time date job-number simulated date job-id expid.log

12 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann12 File Systems of SRE The file systems are specified in the setup file. home: permanent file system for scripts work: temporary working directory, time horizon of a run data: input, output and restart files, executables; capacity for big data files, time horizon of several runs, fast connection to "work" archive: model output, long term archive archive_in: initial files, long term archive

13 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann13 SRE within the DKRZ IT environment and data transfer Compilation Execution Postprocessing Visualisation Archiving Compile Server Compute Server temporary file system medium term archive Postprocessing Host Visualisation Host Archiving Host cross: /pf hurrikan: /ipf /tmp, /shr /shr ds7: /pf cross: /pf Archive (cross): /ut get executables and input data transfer of output and processed data

14 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann14 Model configurations adapted to the SRE (Coupled) Model COSMOS-A COSMOS-O COSMOS-AO COSMOS-AOB COSMOS-ASOB CLM TOYCLIM Component (sub) models ECHAM5 MPIOM ECHAM5 + MPIOM ECHAM5 + (MPIOM + HAMOCC) ECHAM5 + JSBACH + (MPIOM+HAMOCC) CLM (regional stand-alone model) TOYATM + TOYOCE + TOYCHE

15 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann15 Model requirements Modularity of IMDI components Usage of SRE without adaption to SCE is possible (executables must be at the correct place with the correct name) Adaption to the Standard Compile Environment (Source Code Management) Flexible source code : Control parameters (e.g. length of the simulation, the number of processors, exchange frequencies in coupled models) should not be hard-coded

16 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann16 Platforms supported by SRE Currently supported NEC SX-6 Linux i686 In progress SunOS Within the PRISM project Cray X1 SGI IRIX64 IBM Power4 nodes cs (hurrikan) workstations at ZMAW yang

17 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann17 Benefits Common look-and-feel for all models for all platforms Portability and modularity Profit from future developments Support (M&D and OASIS Team) Post-processing and visualisation tools Facilitation of model exchange within a coupled configuration between institutes

18 29 March 2007DKRZ/M&D Schulung Heinrich Widmann18 Documentation SRE Handbook (being updated)  SVN: /svn/mad/Model/IMDI/tags/’tag’/util/running/doc /svn/mad/Model/IMDI/tags/’tag’/util/running/doc  Web: bottom of page: - pdf-version - html-version

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