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Cadency for Entity Viewers Sony Pictures Entertainment’s Financial Close Management Tool.

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1 Cadency for Entity Viewers Sony Pictures Entertainment’s Financial Close Management Tool


3 Cadency Curriculum 101 Introduction to Cadency 102 Cadency for Performers, Reviewers & Secondary Reviewers 103 Additional Functionality for Reviewers and Secondary Reviewers 104 Cadency for Entity Viewers 105 Cadency for Entity Owners and Close Administrators 106 Additional Functionality for Close Administrators

4 Curriculum Materials & Key  Participant Guide  Cadency Site on mySPE Follow Along! Participant Page Guide ##

5 Cadency 104 Overview This training course is designed students to prepare participants to use Cadency, SPE’s financial close management tool. Specifically targeted to Entity Viewers, during this course you will learn:  How to monitor the status of the SPE’s financial close in Cadency  View entity and task set-ups in Cadency  Configure and run reports  Generate eBinders 2

6 Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:  Monitor the status of the close for your assigned entities using the Home Page and/or Consoles  View task and entity set-up within Cadency  Configure and run reports  Generate eBinders

7 Course Agenda  Monitoring Close in Cadency  Viewing Task and Entity Set-Ups  Cadency Reports and eBinders  Course Conclusion

8 Entity Viewer Role Recap Responsibilities  Monitor status of close using Cadency consoles  Run reports on close status as needed  Generate eBinders as needed Key Take Away  Are “View Only” users within Cadency.  View is limited by the entities they are assigned to within Cadency


10 Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:  Customize your Home Tab to view status of close for assigned entities  Use consoles to monitor status of Close Tasks and outstanding issues

11 Close Tasks  Activities necessary to complete each Close  Can occur on monthly, quarterly or annual basis  Action Plan is created for every relevant period Close Issues  Challenges or roadblock Close Task Performers or Reviewers encounter when conducting close  Tied to a specific Action Plan Close Tasks vs. Close Issues

12 Home Page Review  Home Tab contains customizable information specialized to each user  Entity Viewers have additional windows they can use to monitor Close status 3

13 Having 2 Roles : Entity Viewer & Preparer/Reviewer 3

14 Close Summary  Summary of the most recent open period  “Completed Task” will go to Task Status console  “Open Issues” will show list of issues for the relevant period and their status

15 Close Calendar  Graphical view of the current close calendar  Click on date to see all Action Plans due that day  Default View = Current Open Period

16 Close Task Status  All Close Tasks within assigned entities  Click on chart for list view with RYG status

17 Close Issues  All issues created within assigned entities  Click on chart for list view of all issues

18 My Reports  Lists reports you have configured in Cadency  Learn report configuration in upcoming chapter

19 Scheduled Reports  Lists reports you have scheduled to run automatically  Reports delivered to Inbox  Learn to schedule in upcoming Chapter

20  Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan  Delegating tasks in Cadency  Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency  Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-##  Consoles are an additional tool for monitoring status of Close  Filter and drill down to show detailed information  Bookmark for easy return to information Cadency Consoles

21  3 Consoles are  Close Task Status  Dependency  Tasklist

22 Status Console  Real-time monitoring of all Action Plans for assigned entities  Shows issues for related Close Tasks as well

23 Tasklist Console  Tasks grouped by due day  Quick view of status

24 Dependency Console  Status and Relationship between all dependent Action Plans for assigned entities  Filter by Period and Task Name

25 Demonstration Topics  Monitoring Close from Cadency Home Page  Three Cadency Consoles: Close Task Status, Dependency and Tasklist  Bookmarking Consoles To Follow Along Demonstration #1 4

26 Monitoring Close in Cadency LINK TO CADENCY

27 Demonstration #1 Recap Demonstration Topics  Monitoring Close from Cadency Home Page  Three Cadency Consoles: Status, Dependency and Tasklist  Bookmarking Consoles

28 You have reached the end of the chapter. You should now be able to:  Use consoles to monitor status of Close Tasks and outstanding issues  Customize your Home Tab to view status of close for assigned entities


30 Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:  Access hierarchies for Entities you have been assigned  Understand the relationship between Close Tasks and Action Plans.  Access Close Tasks and review them in Cadency

31 Entity Hierarchy Overview  Entities represents various business units, functions and territories  Organized into a hierarchy for status management and reporting  Each entity serves as a repository of Close Tasks and their assigned Action Plans 9

32 Entity Hierarchy Samples SPE Profit Center Group LOB Territory Sub-Profit Center SSC/ITF Function Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 SPE INT MP AT EMEA SSC COS SPE DOM MP US COL ITF AMT Management Reporting View Close Tasks Within These Entities 10

33 Viewing the Entity Hierarchy  Only view entities you have been assigned in the hierarchy  “Tree View” is most common  Tasks appear under lowest level in hierarchy

34 Close Task Overview  Specific tasks that comprise financial close at SPE  Cadency collects variety of information on each task  Each Close Task will have an Action Plan for every relevant period 10

35 Close Task Details Page  View Close Task set-ups  Breadcrumb shows entity hierarchy  View Action Plans  Run Audit reports

36 Demonstration Topics  Viewing the Entity Hierarchy  Accessing Close Tasks from the Entity Hierarchy  View Close Task from Close Task Details Page  Running an Audit Report for a Close Task To Follow Along Demonstration #2 11

37 Demonstration #2 Viewing Entity and Close Task Setups LINK TO CADENCY

38 Demonstration Topics  Viewing the Entity Hierarchy  Accessing Close Tasks from the Entity Hierarchy  View Close Task from Close Task Details Page  Running an Audit Report for a Close Task Demonstration #2 Recap

39 If you notice that something needs to be updated/changed in an entity or task set-up you can contact the Cadency Help Desk to request the update be made. To Request Changes

40 You have reached the end of the chapter. You should now be able to  Access hierarchies for Entities you have been assigned  Understand the relationship between Close Tasks and Action Plans.  Access Close Tasks and review them


42 Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:  Identify the three types of report types available in Cadency  Configure and run reports in Cadency  Add graphics to your reports  Schedule reports to run automatically in Cadency  Generate eBinders

43  Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan  Delegating tasks in Cadency  Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency  Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## Reports & eBinders Overview ReportseBinder Shared Features Run by individuals for your own reporting purposes Filterable and customizable Scheduled to run automatically Publish in HTML, Excel,.csv or PDF Created/Maintained by Entity Owners & Close Administrators Contain all Action Plans and support documentation for a given period Exportable for offline use Accessible from home page Entity permissions determine data shown

44  Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan  Delegating tasks in Cadency  Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency  Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## 3 Report Types Framework & Setup ResultsAnalytics Provides set-up and descriptive information on the Cadency tool Provides detailed information contained in task Action Plans or issue Action Plans Provides analytical information on dependent tasks and Close Task issues Audit Trail Report Task Questions Report Task Issues Report Task Information Export Task Analytics 19

45  Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan  Delegating tasks in Cadency  Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency  Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## Configuring Reports Standard report customizations include:  Adding/removing fields  Defining report filters  Perform groupings  Add totaling  Sort data  Define highlights  Adding graphics

46  Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan  Delegating tasks in Cadency  Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency  Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## Report Graphics MatricesCharts Tables of data Placed at end of report User defined row/column/summary fields Graphically represents data Placed at beginning of the report User defined fields for charts

47  Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan  Delegating tasks in Cadency  Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency  Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## Scheduling Reports  Run automatically  Delivered to Cadency inbox  Ability to not run report if no new data exists 20

48  Viewing dependent tasks in an Action Plan  Delegating tasks in Cadency  Viewing tasks delegated to you in Cadency  Reviewing proxies in Cadency Chapter XX, pp. ##-## eBinders Overview  Pre-set binders that contain all Action Plans and supporting documentation for a given period  Exportable for offline use .zip format  Action Plans are PDFs  Supporting documents are in original format  Only see data for entities you have been assigned  Generate eBinders for closed periods only 20

49 Demonstration Topics  Running a report  Configuring reports  Scheduling reports  Generating an eBinder To Follow Along Demonstration #3 20

50 Demonstration #3 Reporting in Cadency LINK TO CADENCY

51 Demonstration #3 Recap Demonstration Topics  Running a report  Configuring reports  Scheduling Reports  Generating an eBinder

52 Exercise Activities  Run & customize reports in Cadency  Schedule reports Step By Step Instructions Student Exercise #1 28

53 Reports in Cadency  Run & Customize Reports  Schedule Reports  Generate eBinders

54 Student Exercise Debrief Exercise Activities  Run & customize reports in Cadency  Schedule reports

55 You have now reached the end of the chapter. You should now be able to:  Identify the three types of report types available in Cadency  Configure and run reports in Cadency  Add graphics to your reports  Schedule reports to run automatically in Cadency  Generate eBinders


57  As an Entity Viewer you have the ability to monitor the status of the close and any outstanding issues impact the close  As an Entity Viewer you can customize your home page with additional information to help monitor and manage the close process for your assigned entities  You can configure and run reports within Cadency. Reports will show only the data you have permission to see and can be formatted and filtered to show the most pertinent information  Reports can be scheduled to run automatically  You can generate eBinders, an file containing all Action Plans and support documentation for a period. Course Key Takeaways

58 Here are some additional resources to help you use Cadency upon returning to work.  Reports Simulation  Cadency Help Button (in the tool)  SPE Close Calendar  List of Abbreviations, Task Type, Task Functions, Key Definitions  Time Conversion Chart  List of Minimum Standard Tasks All resources can be found on the Cadency SharePoint site and you can contact support directly at Additional Resources

59 You have reached the end of the course. You should now be able to:  Monitor the status of the close for your assigned entities using the Home Page and/or Consoles  View task and entity set-up within Cadency  Configure and run reports  Generate eBinders

60 THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING OUR TRAINING! Please take the End of Course Survey

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