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ATTRACT Implementation November 3 rd 2015 meeting CERN By Pablo G. Tello (KT CERN) 1

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Presentation on theme: "ATTRACT Implementation November 3 rd 2015 meeting CERN By Pablo G. Tello (KT CERN) 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 ATTRACT Implementation November 3 rd 2015 meeting CERN By Pablo G. Tello (KT CERN) 1

2 Part 1 ATTRACT: what has been proposed to EC? Part 2 Present status of ATTRACT Part 3 Planning for the submission to H2020INFRAINNOV-1-2017 Presentation overview 2

3 3 ATTRACT: What has been proposed to EC?

4 What is the overall envisioned implementation route? 4 FPA: Framework Partnership Agreement Note: Proposed to EC 19/02/2015

5 “Mini-ATTRACT” phases 1 and 2 5 Phase 1 (2016-2017): Research and Innovation Action (12 M Euros EC funding) with autonomy to launch open calls with the following objectives: Identification of a wide spectrum of technology opportunities with breakthrough potential across the 28 EU Member States and Associated Countries. Assessment of the feasibility and scalability of the identified opportunities. Selection and clustering of those opportunities with a clear potential for industrial implementation (transition towards phase 2). Phase 2 (2017-2020): Candidate FPA (40 M Euros) with autonomy to launch open calls with the following objectives: Continuation with the selected opportunities from phase 1 towards industrial applications having societal value. Advancement towards a strategic model for a sustainable ATTRACT initiative.

6 “Mini-ATTRACT” phases 1 and 2: targeted results 6 Phase 1 A wide scope of technologies with breakthrough potential (TRL 2 to 4). Selection process based on industrial scalability and social added value. Phase 2 Scalability of phase 1-selected technologies towards industrial deployment (TRL 5 to 9). Construction and establishment of a self-sustained initiative (“Maxi” ATTRACT).

7 7 “Mini” ATTRACT phase 1: draft governing proposal EC Independent R&D&I Committee (IC) Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Project Administrative Office (PAO) Project Consortium Board (PCB) Contact with EC Work Packages structure (see slide 27 onwards) Administrative Support

8 8 “Mini” ATTRACT phase 1: main features Governance Small consortium (up to 10 partners) and consisting of entities with proven skills and capacity to reach out and activate actors and organizations at pan-European level. 10% of EC contribution for Project Management and other project costs shared by all partners. 90% of EC budget for funding open calls. If all partners agree CERN can coordinate the project. 10% will not cover the real effort needed but it is a reaffirming sign to the EC of an in kind contribution and commitment. Nomination of a Project Advisory Committee (PAC). Main mission: lobbying, private investors relationship, relationship with industry. PAC launches a call to nominate an Independent R&D&I Committee (IC). IC decides on topics for open calls and evaluation (= the project is NOT consortium biased). Consortium only offers Management support through the Project Administrative Office (PAO).

9 9 “Mini” ATTRACT phase 1: draft operational proposal

10 10 “Mini” ATTRACT phase 1: main features Operational Open calls themes and evaluation by the Independent R&D&I Committee (IC). Open calls based on breakthrough challenges in detection and imaging technologies. Different projects granted per challenge with value between 100 to 300 kEuros: main objective is to “explore” the EU landscape for breakthrough technologies. Short proposals and “lump sum” concept for each project encouraging SME participation. Full transparency of evaluation results and experts evaluation (open accessible documentation). Project Administrative Office (PAO) only plays a logistic and admin supporting role. IC monitors project R&D&I deliverables and finally decides which ones will continue to be funded in “Mini” ATTRACT phase 2.

11 11 “Mini” ATTRACT phase 2: draft governing proposal Potential Evolution of governing structure and bodies from “Mini” ATTRACT phase 1 to 2.

12 12 Current status of ATTRACT

13 13 H2020 call The dialogue with the EC has resulted in a call in the next H2020 Draft Work Programme (Research Infrastructures) that would permit a Pilot Demonstration of “Mini” ATTRACT phase 1. Call: INFRAINNOV-1-2017 – Fostering co-innovation for future detection and imaging technologies. Budget up to 20 M Euros; call deadline 29/03/2017. Call text refers to many elements to allow implementing “Mini” ATTRACT phase 1.

14 14 Main challenges ahead Organize ourselves effectively and proactively to collaborate for submitting a strong proposal. Translate the implementation vision for “Mini” ATTRACT phase 1 into the typical format of an EU project for submission. Deliver clear results and measure their impact. Continue the dialog with the EC towards a suitable framework for “Mini” ATTRACT phase 2 (FPA) or a more convenient governing structure. Continue the dialogue with EC and other funding organizations and communities towards a sustainable “Maxi” ATTRACT.

15 15 Immediate work Develop a Project Advisory Committee (PAC) for the Core Consortium based on the current, ad hoc ATTRACT Advisory Board chaired by prof. John Wood. Identify a list of candidates that can be part of the Independent R&D&I Committee (IC) chaired by Dr Sergio Bertolucci which reports to PAC. Organize by the beginning of next year an open face-to-face meeting to agree on a list of scientific/technological challenges on detection and imaging technologies that can be part of the open calls. Nominate contact person(s) from each organization able to follow and work in the submission process. PNO Consultants will assist in the submission process. Agree on a first face-to-face one day meeting to build the proposal to respond to the EC call with Consortium partners.

16 16 Planning for the submission to H2020INFRAINNOV-1- 2017

17 o The following slides summarize first thoughts on how to “translate” “Mini” ATTRACT phase 1 proposal into the required format of an EU project (template). o Work Packages (WPs) and main activities associated to the phase 1 proposal are described here on a general level (details yet to be defined). o The “core” of the proposal – i.e. the selection and funding of R&D&I projects on detection and imaging technologies is not described here. o The main purposes of the slides are: o Start with an initial WP structure and linked activities for the proposal, which is to be discussed, modified and agreed before submission. o Identify which organizations can lead the different WPs and/or linked activities. o An initial material to be discussed during the first face-to-face meeting to start the process of submitting the “Mini”-ATTRACT project proposal to the EC call. 17

18 WP2 Industrial Liaison WP3 Business, Public/Private Investment Liaison WP7 R&D&I Projects Monitoring WP4 Academia, RTOs Liaison WP6 Innovation, Knowledge & Technology Transfer WP9 Project Evaluation WP8 Project Dissemination & Outreach WP5 ERIs Liaison WP1 Project Management & Administration Draft Pert Diagram with main WPs interdependencies (WP structure emanating from “mini” ATTRACT phase 1

19 WP1 Project Management & Administration Main Linked activities Act as unique contact point with the EC for project administration and management. Management, Administration and overall coordination of the project. Support to the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) in the process and constitution of the independent R&D&I committee (IC). Organization of the logistics and process of the open calls (rules, templates, electronic submission, documentation, etc) in liaison with the EC. Assist the IC in the logistics for the evaluation and selection of projects (process, documentation, etc). Administrative and budgetary monitor and control of the awarded projects. Provision of legal support. Control and monitor and contribution of the project deliverables and milestones. Supervision of the activities of the different WPs. Collaborate with WP9 (Evaluation) and EC to prepare for “Mini” ATTRACT phase 2.

20 WP2 Industrial Liaison Main linked activities Provide candidates for the constitution of the independent R&D&I committee (IC). Stimulate the participation of business and industrial organizations in the open calls. Collaborate with WP6 for the facilitation of Innovation, Knowledge and Technology Transfer (i.e. contacts, personal meetings, etc) and specially towards SMEs. Provide input to WP8 (i.e. speakers, specialists, etc) on dissemination and outreach events. Provide input for WP9 (Evaluation). Elaborate input on the value of the project for the business and industrial communities to be included in the final evaluation report.

21 WP3 Business, Private/Public Investment Liaison Main linked activities Provide candidates for the constitution of the independent R&D&I committee (IC). Stimulate the participation of public/private investment organizations in open calls. Collaborate with WP6 for the facilitation of Innovation, Knowledge and Technology Transfer (i.e. contacts, personal meetings, etc) and specially towards VCs, business angels, EIB, etc. Provide input to WP8 (i.e. speakers, specialists, etc) on dissemination and outreach events. Provide input for WP9 (Evaluation). Elaborate input on the value of the project for the public/private investment communities to be included in the final evaluation report.

22 WP4 Academia, RTOs Liaison Main linked activities Provide candidates for the constitution of the independent R&D&I committee (IC). Stimulate the participation of Academic, Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) and national/European ERIs organizations in the open calls. Collaborate with WP6 for the facilitation of Innovation, Knowledge and Technology Transfer (i.e. contacts, personal meetings, etc) and specially towards SMEs. Provide input to WP8 (i.e. speakers, specialists, etc) on dissemination and outreach events. Provide input for WP9 (Evaluation). Elaborate input on the value of the ATTRACT project for the Academic, RTOs and national/European ERIs communities to be included in the final evaluation report.

23 Main linked activities Provide candidates for the constitution of the independent R&D&I committee (IC). Stimulate the participation of national/European ERIs organizations in the open calls. Collaborate with WP6 for the facilitation of Innovation, Knowledge and Technology Transfer (i.e. contacts, personal meetings, etc) and specially towards SMEs. Provide input to WP8 (i.e. speakers, specialists, etc) on dissemination and outreach events. Provide input for WP9 (Evaluation). Elaborate input on the value of the ATTRACT project for the national/European ERIs communities to be included in the final evaluation report. WP5 ERIs Liaison

24 WP6 Innovation, Knowledge & Technology Transfer Main linked activities Facilitate the Knowledge and Technology Transfer of projects output among the project partners and/or external ones. Provide legal and administration assistance in the process. Elaborate project technology and scientific instrumentation factsheets to facilitate dissemination and KT. Liaise with their counterparts of other organizations in the process. Elaborate a report for an Innovation, Knowledge and Technology transfer model for “Mini” ATTRACT phase 2 based on project experience. Collaborate in dissemination events especially those related to Innovation, Knowledge & Technology Transfer.

25 WP7 R&D&I Projects Monitoring Main linked activities Support the independent R&D&I committee (IC) on thematic for the open calls. Monitor the R&D&I progress and output of the awarded projects in collaboration with the IC and PAC. Establish a mechanism for close follow-up and monitoring as well as intervene when necessary with corrective measures specially in coordination with WP1. Provide input specially to WP6 for facilitating Innovation, Knowledge and Technology Transfer. Collaborate in dissemination events.

26 WP8 Project Dissemination & Outreach Main linked activities Design an infrastructure and logistics for dissemination and outreach (website, materials, etc). Design dissemination and outreach materials based on input from other WPs. Organize Innovation, knowledge and technology transfer events especially in collaboration with WP6. Elaborate event reports.

27 WP9 Project Evaluation Main linked activities Elaborate periodic evaluation reports especially based on input from WP6 and WP7. Elaborate a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on input from other WPs, the PAC, the IC, project consortium and eventually other stakeholders. Elaborate a final project evaluation report with input from other WPs, the PAC, the IC, project consortium and eventually other stakeholders based on KPIs. Collaborate with WP8 (Dissemination and Outreach) to distribute the final evaluation report to EC, R&D&I public and private communities, private/public funding organizations and other relevant stakeholders. Coordinate with EC for the preparation of an FPA for “Mini” ATTRACT phase 2 in collaboration with WP1.

28 July Aug SeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun 20172018 ATTRACT project EC mid-review ATTRACT project EC end -review Start ATTRACT Final project admin report Finish mid ATTRACT project admin report Launch open calls Projects start Projects mid term review Projects final review Selection of projects KT, Scientific, Industrial, Business and Investors Workshop ATTRACT General Meeting ATTRACT General Meeting ATTRACT General Meeting ATTRACT project consortium kick-off meeting R&D&I and Admin Monitoring of Projects (projects duration 12 months) 2 months submission period “Mini” ATTRACT phase 2 FPA strategy and model ready Selection projects “Mini” ATTRACT phase 2 Second open call Evaluation submitted projects EC call deadline:29 Mar 2017 Assumption: ”Mini”-ATTRACT starts July 2017 2019

29 29 Thanks and questions

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