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Long-term Sustainability and Resource Mobilization.

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Presentation on theme: "Long-term Sustainability and Resource Mobilization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Long-term Sustainability and Resource Mobilization

2  The Biblical Mandate  What do you have in your hand?  The Colonial legacy  It is ours! Taking ownership

3 Launching the Global Generosity Campaign Network - Africa  The Global Generosity Campaign is to:  Create generosity awareness  Encourage generosity commitment  Facilitate generosity engagement

4  Equip Christians to share the Biblical message of generosity  Catalyse generosity collaboration throughout Africa and globally Launching the Global Generosity Campaign Network - Africa

5  Key outcomes will include:  Generosity & stewardship part of lifestyle of Christians  Generosity & stewardship integrated into discipleship & teaching programs Launching the Global Generosity Campaign Network - Africa

6  Key outcomes continued…  A dramatic increase in giving to Christian causes especially to missions  Increased giving to ministry amongst the unengaged, unreached Launching the Global Generosity Campaign Network - Africa

7  VIDEO CLIP Launching the Global Generosity Campaign Network - Africa

8 Question  What attitudes need to change if the Church/Ministry in Africa is to become more self- sustainable?

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