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Steward-Raising Sustainability through a Biblically Bold Approach A Work in Progress! A new paradigm A steward-raising approach discipling Christians to.

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Presentation on theme: "Steward-Raising Sustainability through a Biblically Bold Approach A Work in Progress! A new paradigm A steward-raising approach discipling Christians to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steward-Raising Sustainability through a Biblically Bold Approach A Work in Progress! A new paradigm A steward-raising approach discipling Christians to be rich toward God CLA 2013

2 Why – our values What – our view of success How to implement this approach A new paradigm in communication purpose and process CLA 2013

3 God and possessions God and giving God and asking CLA 2013

4 Jesus Feeds 5,000 CLA 2013

5  God owns all  Highest title  There are two Kingdoms  Earth  Heaven  Vital link between earthly possessions and eternal soul  We will be held eternally accountable  God cares about how we use our possessions Presuppositions CLA 2013

6 Possessions in Scripture 3 times more than love 7 times more than prayer 8 times more than belief 3 times more than love 7 times more than prayer 8 times more than belief PossessionsBelief Prayer Love CLA 2013

7 Possessions in parables In 17 of 38 parables, Christ deals with possessions Possessions Other topics CLA 2013

8 Why does God spend so much time teaching on possessions?

9 Stuffocation People, however, became convinced that they owned it all. They surrounded themselves with possessions and became stuffocated. CLA 2013

10 Hiding They didn’t want to hear about it in sermons, the pastors didn’t preach it, and seminaries stopped teaching it. CLA 2013

11 God Self The Self came to replace God as the center of all things CLA 2013 The center was moved

12 God Church “In short, in society and in the Church the consumer is now in the driver’s seat.” - David Wells, Above All Earthly Pow’rs CLA 2013 The Church moved God from the center in favor of cultural relevance

13 A steward requires an owner to serve Without God in the center, there is only self The steward relationship disappears Without God (the owner) of all, there can be no stewardship relationship CLA 2013

14 Per capita giving is low General population< 1 % Roman Catholics 1.5 % Mainline Protestants2.8 % Evangelicals4 % General population< 1 % Roman Catholics 1.5 % Mainline Protestants2.8 % Evangelicals4 % CLA 2013

15 It is broken from both a secular and spiritual perspective  The system the Creator-King had established was broken. CLA 2013

16 Difference in Giving: Rich vs. Poor CLA 2013 Wealth Giving as % of Income Statistically, the wealthier an individual, the less they will give in proportion to their income Possible reasons: The poor are closer to social problems, therefore identify with the issues personally Money is part of how the rich identify themselves, therefore are less likely to part with it

17 Craig Blomberg, in Revolution in Generosity raises the core question: why is it that “Christian ministries raising money do not stress the central biblical truths that giving is a part of whole-life transformation, that stewardship and sanctification go together as signs of Christian obedience and maturity, and that God will call us to account for what we do with 100 percent of the possessions He has loaned us.” (Blomberg, 2008) CLA 2013 Steward Raising as a priority

18 Crisis in culture and church Our culture is increasingly materialistic, and generous giving has diminished. CLA 2013

19 Few Americans reach “maximum faith” in their lifetimes “Great commandment” transformational faith Faith where they become radically generous 5% 6% 33% 56% Church programming is NOT Transformational 3. Aware of sin & concerned 2. Aware of sin 1. Born unaware of sin 5. Born again + active 4. Born again 6. Struggle “doesn’t get better than this?” 10. Profound intimacy w God/others 9. Profound intimacy w God 8. Real surrender to His agenda, 7. See our brokenness; rid self CLA 2013

20 New Paradigm Developing followers of Christ Aligned CLA 2013

21 What – our view of success CLA 2013

22 What is being a good steward? Make the budget Protective, non-risky Efficient + effective Well-honed methods and calculations Trust in God’s abundance Open to God’s possibilities Listen + step out in faith; bigger Be His case example Our control God limited Downward trend His control God unleashed Exponential potential CLA 2013

23 Being where God wants us to be Letting go and letting God CLA 2013

24 Lord, what do You want me to do with MY money? Lord, what do you want me to do with YOUR money? transformational steward journey MY Time MY Talent YOUR Talent YOUR Time CLA 2013

25 Faith and Stewardship Maturity Stages: A choice of Two Kingdoms SCARCITY Who ABUNDANCE Mine His 1) Imitator 2) Modeler 3) Conformer 4) Individual 5) Generous Giver 6) Mature Steward Stuff + Entitled CLA 2013

26 1.Becoming broken 2.Understanding scripture; growing in new ways 3.Evaluating life; stepping out in new ways Following His nudges; living fully in Him; Being all-in; our time, talent, and treasure 4.Growing to a life of abundance in Him Radically generous True giving joy Sustainable Make me Rich toward God CLA 2013

27 resourcesinputsoutputs outcomes goal Secular economy = we make ourselves responsible for it ALL God’s economy = we’re only responsible for our part God’s economy = He takes responsibility for Kingdom Impact What we’re responsible for? CLA 2013

28 What we’re to achieve & why? CLA 2013



31 Person Ministry org The historical resourcing-raising model supports donates The transformational steward-raising model Ministry org disciples facilitates partners Person Org agenda $ Time Talent $$$ His agenda CLA 2013

32 The transformational model … Person God Org A “community of love” each on God’s agenda givers and receivers all-in together; collaborating all peers in God’s economy inviting, not asking The beauty of love the power of sincere relationships transformation and genuine stewardship giving Other persons CLA 2013 Rediscovering beauty? Participation > Engagement > Ownership Radical generosity – freedom from money Multiplication- radical community loving & building

33 Our role – As leader/advisor Raising up of stewards – As asker Facilitator of “discipleship” heart transformation Our offer – An “abundance” spirit … let go/trust + step out + no competition What gets measured – Our PART RESOURCES Being more creative in gathering them INPUTS Being more open to His spirit in using them – HIS PART OUTPUTS OUTCOMES GOALS What would be our alternative business model? His story Their stories CLA 2013

34 Christian Nonprofits Secular Nonprofits Steward- raising Approach Resource- raising approach Most fundraising agencies play here Why not here? Where should our approach map? CLA 2013

35 And what should the process be? The road to becoming rich toward God CLA 2013

36 How to implement this approach CLA 2013

37 The Road to Becoming Rich Toward God CLA 2013

38 Four Shifts Christian Leaders can make to encourage grace-filled, Spirit-led generosity (Gary Hoag) Law “have to” reactive / compulsion Percentage tithe limited Obligation planned Earthly self scarcity Love “get to” proactive Participation spirit-filled generosity limitless Opportunity gratitude, Christ-like care step out, counter-culture Eternal God abundance caring at every opportunity STEP 2 – Common Message CLA 2013

39 Two- Way Communication Steward Org Step 3:

40 Step 4: 1) Imitator 2) Modeler 3) Conformer 4) Individual 5) Generous Giver 6) Mature Steward Organization Conversations, new actions & Stories CLA 2013 Discipling stewards where they are Steward Maturity Stages

41 Step 5 Ministry Ministry acts as a conduit between stewards to facilitate their development. Steward CLA 2013

42 Ministry Steward Step 5 CLA 2013

43 Step 6 Stewards are able to connect and share the stories and experiences God has blessed them with through Giving. Steward Stories Experiences Partnering CLA 2013

44 Channels Learning Styles Readers: Newsletters Email Blogs Visual: Auditory: Podcasts Converser: CLA 2013

45 Steward Development Facilitation (SDF) 1)WHAT we are trying to accomplish by helping stewards see where they are and where they want to journey? 2)WHO is being partnered and communicated with (the stewards)? 3)HOW to converse by building a community of stewards among and within organizations, as well as individuals. A steward-raising approach discipling Christians to be rich toward God CLA 2013

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