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Marcia Torgrude TIE K-12 Math Specialist

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2 Marcia Torgrude TIE K-12 Math Specialist

3 Build a deeper understanding of the Common Core Standards and Standards of Mathematical Practice Define Cognitively Guided Instruction Find Connections between SMP and CGI Practice Math Talks and Doing the Math to Apply the SMP and CGI Connect the CCSS, SMP and CGI to your Curriculum

4 8:00-8:15Math Activity 8:15-8:30Introductions 8:30-9:00Common Core and SMP Refresher 9:00-10:30What is Cognitively Guided Instruction? 10:30-11:00SMP and Student Proficiency 11:00-11:30How do CGI and the SMP connect? 11:30-12:30Lunch 12:30-1:30Math Talks to develop mental strategies 1:30-2:00Doing the Math – Multiplication-modeling to algorithm 2:00-2:15Break 2:15-3:15Connecting the CCSS, SMP and CGI to your curriculum 3:15-3:30Closure

5 Person facing screen – gives clues Person facing away – guesses the word or phrase

6 Reasoning Tools Abstract Precision Structure

7 Standards of Mathematical Practice Persevere Questioning Concrete Modeling

8 Number and Operations For Your Grade Level: What remains the same? What has changed? Write the Instructional Focus for your grade Large Group: What is the progression? SD Common Core Site -

9 If we do things well, the teaching and learning will look different! Focus on your Standard of Mathematical Practice to respond to the questions: What will the student be doing? What will the teacher be doing? Provide an example of an activity or event in the classroom that exemplifies your SMP’s Post on Chart Paper

10 Which SMP did we focus doing this activity? What content standard would have been the focus here? Locate the grade level and standards being met with the activity

11 Video observations – What is the student saying and doing? – What questions is the teacher asking? – What big ideas do the teachers bring out in their coaching sessions? Children’s Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction, Wisconsin Center for Educational Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison


13 Video observation – Record words or phrases that might describe CGI – What questions come to mind as you watch the video? Children’s Mathematics: Cognitively Guided Instruction, Wisconsin Center for Educational Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison

14 What are the Strategies for Proficiency? Did you see these actions in the videos? Do you use them in your classroom and what were the outcomes?

15 Both are how students learn and how teachers guide that process – it is NOT about any one curriculum Read “10 Things Jordyn’s Math Teacher Needs to Know” Compare the CGI characteristics and SMP – where are the connections? What are you already doing in your classroom? What do you want to begin doing? Is there one particular characteristic of CGI or SMP you want to focus on, then grow from there?


17 Mentally think of a strategy to solve this problem: 61-48

18 We grew up knowing ONE algorithm U.S. focus on a single algorithm had unfortunate results. – Many people did not use this algorithm – Other ways of solving were hidden – not considered the right or acceptable way – Obscured the base ten structure and properties – Focus is on individual digits, not on whole quantities and relationships among quantities – The central learning goal is mastering a series of steps rather than understanding the meaning and use of the mathematical operation – Lost the knowledge students were developing on their own to solve problems – Teachers who want to change have no images from which to draw

19 Mentally think of a strategy to solve this problem: 5x14

20 What are the students doing in terms of the SMP? Where does CGI fit in? What does this mean for you? How does the Envision Curriculum support this thinking?

21 Building Multiplication Understanding – Base 10 Blocks – Arrays – Expanded number form – Connections to the “traditional” algorithm

22 Select one lesson What common core standards are being addressed? What are your learning targets? What is your big question to begin the lesson? How would you explicitly use the SMP or CGI in this lesson?

23 Could you do a math talk? How could students use their own strategies to solve the problem? What tools will you have available? Which of the classroom grouping strategies for proficiency could you use? What questions will you focus on as you work with the students?

24 Where do we go from here? – What will you focus on in the coming weeks? – What do you still need as a staff? Exit Card Final Reading – “Never Say Anything a Kid Can Say!”

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