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Elements in Medicine Presentation (3%) CHM 113 (M.Hall) Format Students will work in pairs and do a 5-minute presentation using 2-3 PowerPoint slides.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements in Medicine Presentation (3%) CHM 113 (M.Hall) Format Students will work in pairs and do a 5-minute presentation using 2-3 PowerPoint slides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements in Medicine Presentation (3%) CHM 113 (M.Hall) Format Students will work in pairs and do a 5-minute presentation using 2-3 PowerPoint slides. Assignment Choose an element and describe how it is used in medicine. It is preferable to focus on how an element is used in the practice of medicine rather than the natural role of an element in biochemistry or physiology. It is acceptable for the element to be within a compound in the practice of medicine, e.g., platinum in compounds used as chemotherapy drugs. Try to incorporate pictures and diagrams into your slides so that they do not have too much text. The sources of any figures should be referenced below them or at the bottom of the slide. Presentation Both students must speak during the presentation. The 5-minute presentation will be followed by a brief question period. Slides After the presentation day, upload your slides to the eLearn site under Course Files by Monday, September 20. Credit The assignment will count towards the lab grade. Students will be graded on a 20-point scale based on content and presentation style (see evaluation form below). 1

2 Elements in Medicine Presentation – Evaluation Form CHM 113 (M.Hall) Names of StudentsElement Point Value Points Earned Content Is the chemical content and depth of the information appropriate for the assignment and the course? Is the amount of information presented appropriate (not too little, not too much)? Do the presenters have a solid grasp on the technical content of the topic? Do they express an understanding of the subject matter? 10 Presentation Is the content of the presentation clear and organized such that the audience can easily understand it? Are the slides clear and helpful? Are pictures, diagrams, and tables used effectively in the place of an excessive amount of text? Is the pace, volume, and word choice of the presenters appropriate? Are the presenters able to speak from their understanding of the topic and not from notes or the screen (too much anyway)? Is the information referenced clearly? 6 Other Are the questions answered with knowledge and insight? Is the presentation balanced among the team members? 4 2 Total Points: /20

3 Elements in Medicine Presentation – Reservation Form CHM 113 (M.Hall) Each team must use a unique element. To reserve your element of choice, cut off this section of the page and fill in the completed reservation form. Hand in the form as soon as you can. Elements will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. 3 Names of Students Element Brief description of its use in medicine _____________________________________________________________

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