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The Lecturer: Hu Cui-e In Qingyuan Jan. 6, 2010 Lessons 2-3 Word study.

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2 The Lecturer: Hu Cui-e In Qingyuan Jan. 6, 2010

3 Lessons 2-3 Word study

4 Can you make a list of words about music? classical, folk, jazz, traditional, pop, rock ‘n’ roll

5 1.Practise reading the vocabulary; 2.Word forms; 3.Exx. I-II on pages53-54.

6 Kong Xiang dong Who is he? Do you know anything about him?

7 A famous Chinese name in the music world, one of the most famous pianist in the world. He has performed in more than 40 countries and has scored numerous prizes. He combines classical music and folk music well. Kong Xiang dong

8 Listening and reading: (Wb: P56)

9 Detail-reading: Read the passage again and then make some notes: Something about Kong Xiangdong Born:_________ Career:_____________ Most famous for: _________________ Began practising : ___________ Time to win prizes: __________________ Reason for transforming his music:___________ __________________________ 1968 pianist classical music at the age of five 1986 bring Chinese folk music to the rest of the world

10 Kong Xiangdong was born in 1968. He is a famous classical pianist and he is famous for his classical music. At the age of five he began practising playing the piano and when he was 18 years old, he became the youngest prize winner in 1986. He wanted to bring Chinese folk music to the rest of the world so he combined it with classical music. Because of his talent and hard work he became world famous. Kong Xiang dong

11 Key language points: Get the phrases in the text and understand them.

12 Para.-1: 1.combine…with… (N8) 2.something new (N9) a musician 4.Playing the same music … is boring. Para.-2: his mother was a great music lover 6.from birth early as possible 8.was made to practice …(N14) times 10.think about giving up the age of 12.went on to win … Para.-3: 13.because of (Ex.9) some ways 15.this is why … Para.-4: important that… Para.-5: 17.whether …or…18.such a success that

13 Let’s study the underlined phrases and then do some exercises. (Wb)

14 Put the following into Chinese: 1)His mother couldn’t buy him a piano until he was seven. 2)She had to draw piano keys on a piece of paper so that he could learn to play as early as possible. 3)He was made to practise the piano so much that, at times, he thought about giving up. 4) Since his music style was new, he decided his hairstyle had to be new too! 5) Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music, he is a pioneer in music today. 6) The concert last week was such a success that Kong’s Dream Tour Concert is expected to run for…

15 Homework 1. Finish off the exercises on pages 53-54; 2. Practice reading the text; 3. Prepare for next Monday ’ s test.

16 Thank you!

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