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Fleming Hospital A Fleming Healthcare System Amanda Fleming Chief Nursing Officer July 25, 2014 162 Kendall Drive Miami, FL 33196 (305) 299-2018

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1 Fleming Hospital A Fleming Healthcare System Amanda Fleming Chief Nursing Officer July 25, 2014 162 Kendall Drive Miami, FL 33196 (305) 299-2018

2 Business Summary “Fleming Hospital” is a 120-bed community hospital with big-city skills. It is one of the county's first hospitals and opened its doors in 1940. It has a lasting commitment to quality and customer service, and is known for its personal attention provided to patients. It is the southernmost hospital in the county; it has the only Emergency Center for 18 miles in all directions. The hospital offers a wide range of services: emergency, maternity, outpatient diagnostic and surgery, children’s emergency, critical care and outpatient physical therapy center. “Fleming Hospital” is part of the largest not-for-profit healthcare organization in the region. There are 7 Affiliates in the system.

3 Mission Statement To improve the health and wellbeing of individuals, and to promote the sanctity and preservation of life, in the community it serves. “Fleming Hospital” is committed to maintaining the highest standards of clinical and service excellence, rooted in utmost integrity and moral practice. “Fleming Hospital” is dedicated to providing high-quality, cost effective, compassionate healthcare services to all, regardless of religion, creed, race or national origin, including, as permitted by its resources, charity care to those in need.

4 Vision Statement To become the pre-eminent healthcare provider in the community it serves and be the organization the community instinctively turns to for their healthcare needs. “Fleming Hospital”, its physicians, nursing staff, and support staff will offer a broad range of services with superior clinical outcomes, and attain the highest levels of patient satisfaction through the high quality and compassionate treatment provided. Goals and Objectives

5 Key Participants Providers consists of health care workers, such as: 1.Nurses – Since nurses are the healthcare providers that spend the most time with consumers, they are in a unique position to influence and promote positive consumer relationships. Their role will encompass service, advocacy, teaching and leadership. The hospital will promote client focused care. 2.Physicians – Physician practices have changed from single private practitioner to multi-group practice. Physicians have a greater chance of being unfamiliar with their patients and develop mutual respect and trust. The goal of the hospital is to promote a client focused care environment by engaging the bedside nurses to facilitate the physician consumer relationship. 3.Administrative Staff – Is responsible for the operation of the hospital and compliance with the local, federal and certification organizations. They are also essential in the billing and collection process. 4.Support staff – environmental, IT, engineering, dietary, social work, etc., ensures the running of the hospital and that consults to the various departments are initiated and completed timely. 5.Volunteers – Teen age & Retirees – provide a source of value added labor to assist in the running of the operation at a substantial cost savings to the institution.

6 Key Participants Suppliers are the manufacturers and distributors of supplies and equipment used by the healthcare providers of the hospital. It is important for the hospital to partner with suppliers that will keep the hospital current on scientific advances and yet maintain competitive costs. Suppliers would be selected on a bid bases and the hospital would secure at least three bids when looking at engaging any supplier. Consumers include: The patient, family, friends. etc., who use the health services at the hospital. Consumer satisfaction in the primary goal of the hospital. The hospital in light of the “patient centered care” initiative will respond promptly to concerns voiced by clients/consumers no matter how trivial they may seem. The perception of the consumer is what will be important and as a team, we will go to great lengths to ensure consumer satisfaction.

7 Market Significance “Fleming Hospital” gives patients in the community excellent quality of care in the southernmost region of Miami where care is needed. “Fleming Hospital” analyzes industry, customer satisfaction, and physician referral trends; examines market research, demographics, and information on competitors; and evaluates community surveys. Information is captured in a database called Consumer’s Voice. Demonstrating superior patient care and excellence through a service leadership system; which is comprised of Four Pillars of Excellence– Clinical excellence, service excellence, fiscal excellence and employee excellence. Improve key processes, by meeting patient and other customer needs, and achieve its overall vision, by employing an Organizational Performance Measurement System to track daily performance and operations. Key Performance Indicators will be reviewed on a weekly basis by senior leaders, on a monthly basis by manager, and on a quarterly basis by all employees. Sharing of best practices and other organizational knowledge through a variety of methods, including the Learning Center Web site and a program called "Striving for Excellence," in which employees spend time working in and learning the processes of an area or department other than their own. This enables employees to deliver value to customers through a strong commitment to the continuous improvement of all products and services.

8 Marketing Strategy Outstanding reputation in the Miami community, which has been accomplished by: Optimizing social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Shift from volume to value: Greater concern with patient satisfaction and services provided instead of the the number of patients Understand your patient base and community Conscious of false advertising: Example, instead of saying “we are the best” a better statement would be “we are in the top ratings for patient satisfaction”

9 Marketing and Generating Publicity “Fleming Hospital” marketing team and event planners partner with local business to promote service within the community and in exchange employees receive discounts. In addition “Fleming Hospital” holds community education, in services, and screenings Community events partnered with such organization like March Of Dimes, Relay for Life, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, and etc.

10 Advertising and Promotion “Fleming Hospital” is advertised and promoted through service, referrals, word of mouth, local business partners, and the community. Recognized as a Magnet hospital for Nursing Excellence by the American Nursing Credentialing Center, an affiliate of the American Nursing Association. One of only four Florida organizations to receive the prestigious Governor's Sterling Award for total quality management. A tradition of excellence in service to patients and the community this is what you expect and what we deliver. Known for highly trained, highly skilled, caring, and compassionate staff known for their patient satisfaction.

11 Web Presence Voted Top 50 Hospitals to work for in nationwide Voted Top 20 Most Beautiful Hospital Facilities Free Advertisement The “Fleming Hospital” website features hospital about me, services provided at each location, hospital wide directory, physician directory, employee page and discount portal, community education and events, in house in services provided, patient testimonials and current hospital awards received and given.

12 Marketing Budget 201520142013 Advertising$500,000$450,000$400,000 Marketing$700,000$650,000$550,000 Website$100,000 $50,000 Totals$1,300,000$1,200,000$1,000,000 Table below shows marketing budget for Fleming Hospital a hospital within the Fleming Health System:

13 Operating Expenses EXPENSES FOR YEAR 2013 Wages and Salaries90,000,000 Benefits60,000,000 Medical Supplies30,000,000 Office Supplies, Equipment, and Software20,000,000 Malpractice5,000,000 Marketing and Advertising1,150,000 Waste Management10,000,000 Licensing500,000 Depreciation and Amortization12,000,000 Bad Debt5,000,000 Interest3,000,000 Administrative38,350,000 Total Expenses280,000,000

14 Statement of Operations REVENUES FOR YEAR 2013 Patient Revenues$200,000,000 Other Revenues$85,000,000 Total$285,000,000 OPERATING INCOME$85,000,000 EXPENSES FOR YEAR 2013 Wages, Salaries and Benefits150,000,000 Supplies50,000,000 Malpractice and Other Insurance10,000,000 Administrative and General50,000,000 Depreciation and Amortization12,000,000 Bad Debt5,000,000 Interest3,000,000 Total Expenses280,000,000

15 Management Team Board of Trustee Medical Advisor Chief Executive Officer VP of Clinical Service Chief Nursing Officer Director of Nursing Staff Nurse Manager Clinical Nurse Specialist Educator VP of Administrative Services Information Systems Clerical Transportation Chief Financial Officer

16 Salaries Salaries begin with a predetermined base pay per position. The years of experience will increase the base pay. Annually, each employee is evaluated allowing them to increase their pay rate by five percent. In order to receive a pay increase one must have continued education, certifications, and excellent service rating. Differentials are paid to those employees who work weekends at a rate of two dollars more an hour and night shift from 7pm- 7am at a rate of three dollars more an hour. Full time and Part time staff are offered an array of benefits including health, dental, eye, dog, law, child services and more. Quarterly bonuses are given to the entire department based on service ratings and patient satisfaction ratings.

17 Human Resources Each new employee who is hired at “Fleming Hospital” will go through the onboarding process. This includes background checks, drug screening, references, and panel interviews with management and peers. Human Resources is in charge of staffing each department as needed and training all employees whether new grads or experienced. If short staffed, they are responsible for staffing units with agency nurses. They assist every employee with salaries, current position, growth within the company, and benefits.

18 Reference Finkler, S. A., Kovner, C., & Jones, C. (2013). Financial Management for Nurse Managers and Executives. St Louis, MO: Elsevier/ Saunders.

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