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Site Coordinator Meeting September 18, 2012 1.Attendance Guidelines Overview 2.Attendance Targets for FY 12-13 3.Documentation of students who have delayed.

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Presentation on theme: "Site Coordinator Meeting September 18, 2012 1.Attendance Guidelines Overview 2.Attendance Targets for FY 12-13 3.Documentation of students who have delayed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Site Coordinator Meeting September 18, 2012 1.Attendance Guidelines Overview 2.Attendance Targets for FY 12-13 3.Documentation of students who have delayed arrival time 4.Instructional Aide Update 5.SFUSD staff working for ASP programs 6.RFQ Update 7.Principal Meeting 8.21 st Century RFA 9.EMS Update 10.Snack Update 11.Getting People Paid Update 12.Public Profit Site Visits

2 Attendance Guidelines All students sign in/out must be documented using a standardized ExCEL sign in/out sheet. Elementary students must be signed out by an authorized adult unless specific written permission has been secured by the parent/guardian. Middle school students may sign themselves in and out from the program. Authorized program staff and/or parent/guardian may sign in/out students from the program.

3 Attendance Guidelines Review daily sign in/out sheets - Any incomplete or missing information should be corrected immediately. Only count those students who have completed all of the fields on the Sign In/Out sheets. Put a dot next to each student being counted for attendance. For those programs who use sign in/out sheets for students who are not reported in the EMS attendance count: – Review daily sign in/out sheets and highlight in BLUE those students who do not count towards the EMS attendance count. Note on the bottom right corner of page. Write the EMS student count page total on the bottom right hand corner and circle the number. Write the EMS student count day total on the top page of the day’s package and circle the number. Enter data into EMS. Verify number of students in the hand count to the number reported in EMS

4 Attendance Guidelines All Elementary and Middle school sites must use the SFUSD ExCEL Daily Sign In/Out sheet as the Master Sign In Sheet. All High School sites must use the SFUSD ExCEL High School Sign In sheet as the Master Sign In Sheet. High School: Students must sign in/out on Master Sign In sheet and they must: – Sign on separate activity list OR – Be marked present on an activity sign-in sheet. All students present are signed in at the beginning of program and signed out when they leave Have the proper Early Release document on file and/or Early Release Code recorded if a student leaves before the 15 minute of time before the close of program.

5 Attendance Targets Attendance targets for FY 12-13 are in your contracts. The attendance for each school site for FY 11-12 has been posted on the ExCEL website. We have also prepared a listing of attendance targets for FY 12-13 that will be posted on ExCEL website.

6 Delayed Arrivals The ASES & 21 st Century grants require programs to begin immediately upon dismissal from the school day. For students who arrive after the start of program, please have them sign in and list the corresponding time they arrive. Grant funds do not currently require sites to track the reasons why students arrive late.

7 If a site chooses to indicate reason for delayed arrival Staff can indicate that the student arrived late by: 1) writing DA for delayed arrival and 2) listing the corresponding code # in the notes/comment section. This may be helpful in situations when students participate in parallel programs immediately after school and/or arrive more than ½ hour late to program.

8 ExCEL Arrival/Release Codes ExCEL Arrival/Release Codes #s: Parallel Program Family emergency Personal Family Circumstances Medical appointment Transportation Community Safety Child Accident Other condition School-related activity (i.e. meeting with teacher, preparing for a school event, etc).

9 Instructional Aide Requirements V-BASP 19: BASP Accountability Staff Minimum Qualifications: The LEA/grantee agency ensures that all staff members who directly supervise pupils meet the minimum qualifications for an instructional aide according to the policies of the school district. (EC § 8483.4.) This applies to both program staff and subcontractors who directly supervise students.

10 Instructional Aide One of the following: – An AA degree or higher or – Official transcripts reflecting 48 college units and a high school diploma/equivalent or – Completion of CBEST and a high school diploma/equivalent

11 Instructional Aide SFUSD has discretion in accepting successful completion of CODESEP in lieu of CBEST ExCEL is conducting an audit of ALL after school programs to determine compliance rate. ExCEL is working with SFUSD HR to administer CODESP exam to bring all program staff into compliance.


13 SFUSD staff working in after school programs Conflict of Interest Disclosure form:  Yes. Contractor’s employees (or owners) listed in table below are also current SFUSD Board members or employees OR former SFUSD Board members or employees within the last two years.

14 SFUSD staff working in after school programs Per 1992 board policy, SFUSD staff cannot be paid privately for providing tutoring or lessons to students from their school site. SFUSD staff members cannot work in the ExCEL after school program unless they are paid through SFUSD HR. They cannot be paid through funds from another source e.g.: DCYF, program fees, etc. There was a a special agreement this summer that allowed SFUSD staff to be paid by CBOs. This was for the summer ONLY and does not apply to the school year. If you have SFUSD staff working for your program who are not being paid through the district, please contact ExCEL.

15 Request for Qualifications Scheduled to be released early October Application due early November Notifications by early January Principals select by late February

16 Principals Meeting October 2, 2013 Will be sharing much of the same information provided to Lead Agency directors at the August Inst – especially related to attendance targets, sunsetting grants, allowable expenses, etc.

17 21 st Century RFA Scheduled to be released very shortly Application due in November Award notification released in February

18 EMS Update Be sure to familiarize yourself with the group function and encourage your staff to use it. It is a time saver. Be sure to have attendance recorded in all activities – not just one. The EMS is designed to capture information we need for all of the multiple reporting we must do for the state and federal governments.

19 Snack Update EMS will have snack reporting by end of September. Snack ordering is due Monday 10am for following week. Survey monkey will be sent out on Wednesday of the previous week.

20 Daily Snack Guidelines All Sites: Provide water as an option for snack Sites eligible for SFUSD snack – Can opt out – Can augment/enhance – Follow ExCEL daily snack guidelines Sites not eligible for SFUSD snack – Follow ExCEL daily snack guidelines

21 Getting People Paid Updates Any certificated or classified amendments must be turned in by the end of the first week of the month. We cannot process them on a continual basis. ExCEL will be informing SFUSD staff, but would appreciate it if you would inform SFUSD staff as well

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