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Siddhartha By Herman Hesse.

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Presentation on theme: "Siddhartha By Herman Hesse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Siddhartha By Herman Hesse

2 Siddhartha Has Brahmin (Hindu) heritage Masters Samanas’ skills
Admires the teachings of Gotama (Buddha) Friends, family, and loved ones are left behind as he is consumed by his enlightenment quest Logical flaws in teachings lead him wandering Headstrong, determined, self-motivated Believes enlightenment is not taught but found from within

3 Govinda Siddhartha’s best friend On search for enlightenment
Follower versus Siddhartha’s independence and leadership qualities Believes in the need for assistance and teachings to reach his enlightenment path

4 The Search for Enlightenment
Spiritual Brahmins (Hinduism) Family/Father Leaves his past behind for good Samanas Control over desires Finds void emptiness Gotama Believes in Buddha’s enlightenment Great respect Must find his own path Materialism/The World Part of the path to enlightenment Holds necessary wisdom

5 Om Introduced with Brahmin Entrance into enlightenment
Knowing all things exist at the same moment in time Siddhartha is taught what it means, but still fails to experience it People follow it, but do not have their lives reflect it

6 Polarities Part I: Siddhartha rejects material world
Part II: Siddhartha rejects the spiritual world Part I & Part II: The combined importance of the material and spiritual world to enlightenment Common ground Denial of body not enlightenment Emersion of self not enlightenment

7 Smile Look for the symbolic nature of the smile Who smiles?
Gotama smiles in reaction to Siddhartha’s continued search Calm nature Peaceful stance Who else has this same nature and smiles?

8 The River & The Ferryman
The river holds within it the many sounds of all living things Siddhartha’s final “instructor” What does the river represent? The ferryman, Vasudeva, guides Siddhartha but will not tell him what he needs or should do. Positioned between the world and enlightenment Guides people over the river, the gap between two lands Opens the window to the enlightenment within

9 Love Siddhartha’s father A love Siddhartha rejects
He has a greater love for enlightenment Govinda Mutual love and respect focused on enlightenment desire Buddha Love in the form of action: actions are stronger than words Siddhartha rejects this love as it is attached to the teachings Kamala Physical love Teaches the importance of love Siddhartha is unable to give and receive genuine love The son A test of wisdom, a new wisdom A source of painful love Nirvana Must be reached by accepting rather than resisting love

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