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Career Opportunities in Equine Science Equine Science & Technology.

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1 Career Opportunities in Equine Science Equine Science & Technology

2 Career Opportunities What skills are needed to work around horses? Basic Skills  Individuals need basic skills in reading, writing, mathematics and communication.  Employees must be able to communicate their ideas efficiently and clearly. They must be able to work well with others and demonstrate responsibility.

3 Career Opportunities Thinking Skills  Employers want to hire individuals who can think for themselves.  Employers are also looking for creative thinkers and problem solvers.

4 Career Opportunities Personal Skills and Work Habits  Loyalty  Ability to change  Professionalism  Honesty  Responsibility  Dependability

5 Career Opportunities Citizenship – the status of being a legal citizen of a nation, with rights and duties.  The Constitution provides rights to the country’s citizens.  Laws provide conditions for participation as a citizen.  Some of these rights include: the right to vote, freedom of speech, etc.

6 Career Opportunities Traits of good citizens  Observing the law  Supporting charities and worthy causes  Voting  Supporting the well-being of others  Being patriotic  Having pride  Contributing to society

7 Career Opportunities Human Relations Skills- skills that allow one to get along with other people.  To be successful an employee must interact with others.

8 Career Opportunities Cultural Diversity- a recognition of, and sensitivity to, the various ethnic backgrounds and beliefs of other people.  All people can make contributions to the workplace.

9 Career Opportunities Using resources and assessing information  Being able to locate and assess information is important in today’s society.  Information can be found in a variety of forms and from many sources.  The most common print-media forms of information are books, magazines, newspapers, etc.

10 Career Opportunities Using resources and assessing information  The internet is a popular electronic form.  Sources are the business or agencies that produce the information.

11 Career Opportunities When assessing information consider these factors:  Source– did the information come from a reliable source?  Date– when was the information gathered?  Availability- can the information be obtained easily?

12 Career Opportunities Task Analysis- process used to identify occupational competencies. Systems of Operation  Systems involve using information and resources in the most efficient and effective manner.  They deal with technology, mechanics, people and culture, and organization- the way people get work done.

13 Career Opportunities Systems of Operation  A system is a set of facts, principles, procedures, and rules arranged in an orderly form and linking the various parts.  Each process or component must do what it is supposed to do.  Various system approaches are used in the many different areas of equine science.

14 Career Opportunities Educational Opportunities Post Secondary Education- education after high school.  Formal education is available in many forms, including home study courses, trade schools, two-year colleges, and four-year colleges and universities.

15 Career Opportunities Home Study Courses  Home study, or distance education courses are increasing in availability.  Specific areas can be studied at one’s own pace, and areas important to the student can be chosen.

16 Career Opportunities Trade Schools  Trade schools offer the opportunity to learn specific trades, such as horseshoeing, auctioneering, massage therapy, stable management, etc.  A trade school concentrates on teaching one particular skill, and the duration of the course varies depending on the skill.

17 Career Opportunities Two-year Colleges  Graduation from a two-year college traditionally earns an Associate of Arts or Associate of Applied Science degree  Two-year programs offer courses that teach a specific set of skills necessary for certain careers.

18 Career Opportunities Four-Year Colleges and Universities  Four year colleges and Universities usually grant Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degrees.  Obtaining a four-year degree can open many doors to jobs that are unavailable without the degree  Jobs in teaching, research, and management often require a four year degree.

19 Career Opportunities Advanced Degrees  Advanced degrees include Master of Arts, Master of Science, Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, etc.  These degrees usually require completion of another two to four years after completion of a bachelor’s degree.

20 Career Opportunities Technical Skills- skills specific to a particular occupation. Gaining Experience  One important qualification for obtaining a job in the horse industry is experience.  Experience can be gained in a variety of ways and will make you more appealing in the job market.

21 Career Opportunities Ways to gain experience  Volunteer at a local farm or training establishment  Read … horse publications and the internet contain a wealth of information.  Apply for an internship  Join the local horse council, 4-H group, pony club, etc.  Attend clinics  Complete an SAE.

22 Career Opportunities Supervised Agricultural Experience  An SAE is a program designed to give students in high school a chance at hands on application of what is learned in the classroom.  An SAE can be a business a student starts or placement in a job of his or her choice.

23 Career Opportunities Long term goals- the type of job you would like to have in five years. Professional Goals- goals that represent success in a job. Career Examples  Horse breeding establishment owner, manager, or worker  Horse trainer  Boarding stable operator  Veterinarian in private practice, with a drug manufacturer, or with a large horse establishment.

24 Career Opportunities Career Examples  Farrier (horseshoer)  Staff members of a horse magazine or breed registry association.  Teacher in a college or university  Rodeo rider  Consultant

25 Career Opportunities Career Examples  Riding school instructor  Racing official or jockey  Hunt club associate  Horse buyer or seller  Secretary, office manager, or executive assistant to an administrator or association engaged in the horse field.

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