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Commerce 2BA3 Organizational Behaviour Week 1 Dr. Teal McAteer Winter 2010 DeGroote School of Business McMaster University.

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Presentation on theme: "Commerce 2BA3 Organizational Behaviour Week 1 Dr. Teal McAteer Winter 2010 DeGroote School of Business McMaster University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commerce 2BA3 Organizational Behaviour Week 1 Dr. Teal McAteer Winter 2010 DeGroote School of Business McMaster University

2 Agenda Introduction - About your instructor –Review Course Syllabus –Questions??? –In-class exercise –Lecture on Organizational Behaviour

3 About Your Instructor…..

4 Course Overview Text: Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at Work (7 th Edition) by Johns and Saks. Format: –Combination of lectures and in-class exercises

5 Grading Three in-class assignments will count towards your grade (Weeks 4, 10 & 14) – 3 x 10% = 30% Midterm Exam – week 8 – 35% Final Exam – 35% (not cumulative)

6 Course Overview (cont’d) Lecture notes will be posted by Sunday night of each week Must read assigned chapters BEFORE class Exams will be based on text and lecture notes; so even if we don’t review it in the lecture, if it is in the text, it is fair game

7 Course Topics Intro to OB Perception, Attribution & Judgment Motivation Communication Individual Decision Making Group Dynamics & Team Work Group Decision Making Conflict Stress Power, Politics & Influence Leadership Environment, Strategy & Technology Organizational Structure MIDTERM TOPICS FINAL EXAM TOPICS

8 Introduction to OB What is Organizational Behaviour????

9 ORGANIZATION 1. Individuals working in pursuit of goals ORGANIZATION 2. Interacting teams, groups and departments ORGANIZATION 3. Whole Organization

10 Introduction to OB OB: The attitudes and behaviours of individuals and groups in organizations Attempt to understand, predict and influence how people behave at work

11 The Evolution of OB Classical Views –Early 1900s –High specialization of labour (each dept tended to its own business, and decision making was centralized) Bureaucracy –Early to Mid 1900s –Max Weber –Strict chain of command, detailed rules, high specialization, centralized power, and selection and promotion based on technical competence Scientific Management –Also early 1900s –Frederick Taylor –Use of careful research to determine degree of specialization

12 The Evolution of OB (cont’d) Human Relations Movement –Hawthorne Studies – research conducted at the Hawthorne plant of Western Electric in the 1920s that examined how psychological and social processes affect productivity –Advocates management styles that are more participative and oriented towards employee needs -Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs -McGregor’s Theory Y

13 The Evolution of OB (cont’d) Where are we today??? –The Contingency Approach no one best way to manage Management style depends on the demands of the situation

14 What do Managers do? Informational Roles –Monitor –Disseminator –Spokesperson Interpersonal Roles –Figurehead –Leader –Liaison Decisional Roles –Entrepreneur –Disturbance Handler –Resource Allocator –Negotiator

15 Trends Managers are Facing Today…. Globalization effects on organizations: –New organizational structures –Different forms of communication –Greater workforce diversity –More competitive pressures and demands on employees

16 Trends Managers are Facing Today…. Information Technology –Re-design of jobs –Knowledge management –Tele-work –Virtual Teams

17 Trends Managers are Facing Today…. Workplace Diversity More women in workforce and professions Different needs of Gen-X/Gen-Y and baby- boomers Diversity has advantages, but firms need to adjust

18 Trends Managers are Facing Today…. The Employment Relationship Employability –“New deal” employment relationship –Continuously learn new skills Contingent work –No contract for long-term employment –Minimum hours of work vary

19 Trends Managers are Facing Today…. Job Security Lifetime job securityLifetime job security Job are permanentJob are permanent Company manages careerCompany manages career Low emphasis on skill developmentLow emphasis on skill development Employability Limited job securityLimited job security Jobs are temporaryJobs are temporary Career self- managementCareer self- management High emphasis on skill developmentHigh emphasis on skill development

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