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I. Evil Men Have Always Spoken Against The Lord. Infamous blasphemers Is.37:23-24, Assyria Ps.2:2-3, break…bonds Rv.16:9-11... 21.

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Presentation on theme: "I. Evil Men Have Always Spoken Against The Lord. Infamous blasphemers Is.37:23-24, Assyria Ps.2:2-3, break…bonds Rv.16:9-11... 21."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. Evil Men Have Always Spoken Against The Lord

2 Infamous blasphemers Is.37:23-24, Assyria Ps.2:2-3, break…bonds Rv.16:9-11... 21

3 I. Evil Men Have Always Spoken Against The Lord II. Some Still Speak Against The Lord

4 1. Some speak against His existence Ps.19:1, declare Ro.1:19, manifest  “You can’t miss it!”  V. 20, not just existence, but power and majesty

5 Epicurus (d. 270 B.C.) If God wishes to prevent evil and cannot, He isn’t all powerful; if He can but won’t, He isn’t all good Cancer?Wreck?Baby?

6 Questions appeal to universal system of justice; evil violates it God is love, 1 Jn.4:8 He created us w. free will (Gn.2:16-17; Josh.24:15) If all actions produce same effect, we cannot learn to choose good from bad

7 We suffer because of... Personal wrong choices Jg.6:1 1 Pt.4:15 Wrong choices of others Drunk driver Zimbabwe Natural laws Lk.13:4 Gravity is good

8 2. Some speak against His creative power Hb.3:4 “No contractor in sight; did it create itself?” “No Creator in sight; did it create itself?”

9 Issue: which has better evidence? No scientist saw creation or general evolution; it is not science, but faith Jn.1:1-3; Mk.10:6  At the beginning… Jesus was there Adam was there Eve was there

10 Best scientific evidence requires a young earth Sun shrinks 5 feet an hour If rate has remained constant…  100,000 yrs. ago it would be twice its present size (no life possible)  20 million BC, earth would touch sun!  500-2000 million yrs. ago, earth would be inside the sun

11 Science Is A Sacred Cow – Anthony Standen Of the “missing link”: “It is a most mis- leading phrase, because it suggests that only one link is missing. It would be more accurate to say that the greater part of the entire chain is missing, so much that it is not entirely certain whether there is a chain at all” (p. 106)

12 3. Some speak against God’s Son “He was a good man, but no more”  Mk.15:29  Ac.26:11; 1 T.1:13 Jn.5:17-23 He claimed to be the Son of God If He lied, then He is not good

13 4. Some speak against God’s sincerity They make Him the author of every religious doctrine and body God calls on One man to affirm Another man to deny

14 God is not responsible for division in religion Mt.16:18, how many churches? Ep.4:4-6 (1:22-23) Jn.17:20-21 0... 1... 2

15 5. Some speak against God’s Word Jer.36 1 Tim.1:20 Tit.2:5

16 “God is a figment of man’s imagination” (Ludwig Feuerbach) “An honest God is the noblest work of man” (Robert Ingersoll) “God is dead” (Thomas Altizer) “God is in everything” (Hare Krishna) Religion is an “opium of the people” (Karl Marx) Worst of all: Ro.2:24

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