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Problems with Foreign Powers Jefferson tries to avoid involvement in the problems of other nations BMR 15.

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1 Problems with Foreign Powers Jefferson tries to avoid involvement in the problems of other nations BMR 15

2 Jefferson’s Foreign Policy  Advises U.S. to be friendly with nations, but not form alliances  Jefferson’s effort to keep U.S. separate from other nations fails: *U.S. merchants are trading all over the world *U.S. has closer contact with other nations *U.S. has little control over actions of foreign nations BMR 15

3 Problems with France and England  Britain does not want U.S. to supply Britain’s enemies with provisions  Sets up blockade (1805), allows certain American ships to reach Europe  France is angered by blockade, enacts laws to control foreign shipping  If Americans obey British, their ships could be seized by the French  If Americans obey French, their ships could be seized by the British BMR 15

4 Problems with France and England  Britain uses impressment, or kidnapping, of American sailors  Impressment interferes with U.S. trade  Famous impressment incident arouses widespread anger in America  Jefferson decides not to declare war on Britain BMR 15

5 Trade as a Weapon  Jefferson asks Congress to pass the Embargo Act of 1807 *Prohibits U.S. ships to sail to foreign ports *Closes U.S. ports to British  Act hurts U.S. more than it does Britain and France  Because of unpopular embargo, Jefferson loses election of 1808  James Madison becomes president, Congress repeals embargo  Madison allows trade with any country but Britain or France BMR 15


7 Tecumseh and Native American Unity  Native Americans lose much land to settlers in the Northwest Territory  Shawnee chief, Tecumseh says Native Americans must unite  Many tribes answer Tecumseh’s call for unity  U.S. defeats Shawnee at Battle of Tippecanoe, sets back Native unity movement BMR 15

8 War Hawks  British welcomes Tecumseh, warriors in Canada  British-Native American alliance angers Americans in the West  Westerners known as War Hawks call for war with Britain  Americans also angry about British violation of American rights at sea  Andre Jackson, War Hawks urge Congress to declare war  Congress declares war on Britain on June 18, 1812 BMR 15

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