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Chong Ho (Alex) Yu. One-sample z-test and one-sample t-test Test the sample mean against the population mean To see whether there is a big gap between.

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Presentation on theme: "Chong Ho (Alex) Yu. One-sample z-test and one-sample t-test Test the sample mean against the population mean To see whether there is a big gap between."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chong Ho (Alex) Yu

2 One-sample z-test and one-sample t-test Test the sample mean against the population mean To see whether there is a big gap between the sample and the population To see whether the sample comes from or belongs to the population. Seldom used. Why?

3 Enter the population mean and SD to do the z-test Enter the mean only to do the t-test. But if you already know about the population, then you don’t need statistics. Usually you don’t know!


5 You need two independent groups e.g. boys and girls. Test whether there is a performance gap between boys and girls

6 T-test is a test to get the t-ratio. The difference between two means based on the standard deviation. Virtually any comparison test is about looking at the difference adjusted by a common standard Otherwise, it will be comparing apples and oranges!

7 Spot outliers using the boxplot

8 What are these? Standard error Upper and Lower CL P value

9 In experiments we want to have two comparable groups; we want to reduce bias. We will divide the class into two groups But the two groups must be equivalent or symmetrical i.e. the same numbers of two genders; the same numbers of different races; the same numbers of different SES, religion…etc. Can you do that?

10 Also known as 2 correlated sample t-test Paired t-test When you have no control group… You are your own control. The person that is most similar to you is: YOURSELF!

11 Spot ceiling or floor effects




15 Download the data set “between within” from Chapter 14 folder. Run a 2-sample independent t-test. Spot and exclude outliers, if there is any. Use the midterm as the DV Use sex (gender) as the IV Report the confidence intervals, the t-ratio and the p value Is there any performance gap between boys and girls?

16 Use the same data set Run a paired t-test Use test and midterm as the variables Spot and exclude students that show floor or ceiling effects, if there is any. Report the confidence intervals, the t-ratio and the p value Is there any significant change/growth between the pretest and the midterm?

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