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Biomass Harvesting Guideline Development. 2005 legislative session HF 1026 & SF 69 Modified Mn state statute 216B.2424 Expands the definition of “farm-grown.

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Presentation on theme: "Biomass Harvesting Guideline Development. 2005 legislative session HF 1026 & SF 69 Modified Mn state statute 216B.2424 Expands the definition of “farm-grown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomass Harvesting Guideline Development

2 2005 legislative session HF 1026 & SF 69 Modified Mn state statute 216B.2424 Expands the definition of “farm-grown closed- loop biomass” that public utilities seeking to fulfill the state’s biomass mandate must meet, to include “sustainably managed woody biomass”

3 HF 1026 & SF 69 “Sustainably Managed Woody Biomass” includes : Brush and trees removed from rights of way Upland and Lowland brush harvested as part of brushland habitat management Logging slash or residue created by timber harvest, TSI, fuel management, or insect& disease control or treatments

4 HF 1026 & SF 69 Indicates that DNR & MFRC must develop guidelines or best management practices for “sustainably managed woody biomass” DNR should develop guidelines for utilizing woody biomass while managing and maintaining brushland and open land habitat on public and private lands MFRC should develop guidelines for logging slash, and removal of woody biomass from forest lands with particular attention to soil productivity, biological diversity and wildlife habitat Guidelines must be adopted by July 1 2007

5 Biomass Harvesting Guideline Development DNR and MFRC agreed to consolidate the guideline development effort into one process under the direction of the MFRC One team of individuals will create two sets of guidelines – one for brushlands and one for forested sites.

6 BHGDT Committee Team make-up Dick Rossman (DNR Forestry) (chair) Dave Grigal (Professor Emeritus, Soil Science Department, Univ. of Minn.) Bill Berguson (Program Director, NRRI) Steve Merchant (DNR Wildlife) Kurt Rusterholtz (DNR Eco-Services) John Thompson (St. Louis county) Steve Olson (Fond-Du-Lac forestry) Erv Berglund (retired Hydrologist) Tom McCabe (McCabe Forest Products) Barb Luelling (Superior National Forest) Patrick Orent (Ainsworth Engineered) Bill Berg (Retired DNR & Sharptail Grouse Society)

7 What Will The Guidelines Look Like? These guidelines should compliment existing Site Level Forest Management Guidelines Forest biomass guidelines may fit as an additional chapter to the current guidelines Brushland biomass guidelines may stand alone or be incorporated into the current guidelines Guidelines will apply statewide

8 Biomass Harvesting Guidelines Potential Issues: Soil productivity physical properties and nutrient management potential for increased trafficking of sites Wildlife habitat Increased utilization of CWD and slash Management of brushland composition & age structure Site access and operability Most brushlands are wetland

9 Approach 4 meetings and 1 field tour First focus has been on forested sites Sub-committees have proposed guidelines for 3 main topic areas Soil Productivity Wildlife habitat Water Quality / RMZs

10 Approach Biomass harvesting on forested sites timber harvest with an increase in the level of utilization We already have timber harvest guidelines Removal of additional material presents potential for reduced sustainability of the site

11 Approach Evaluate existing guidelines Are guideline adequate for biomass harvesting? Do guidelines need modifications to fit biomass harvesting issues? Are new guidelines needed to address biomass harvesting issues? We are not changing existing guidelines

12 Example – filter strips Current guidelines do not address down&dead material (CWD) in filter strips Biomass guidelines should address removal of this material in filter strips

13 Example - RMZ Current guidelines set cutting limits using Basal Area of merchantable trees Biomass guidelines need to address all woody vegetation in the RMZ as well as CWD.

14 Example - soils Current guidelines have 3 categories of soils were nutrient conservation strategies include redistribution of slash Recent studies suggest that this strategy may only be effective on the deep peat soils and shallow to bedrock soils.

15 Example - CWD Current guidelines were written when down & dead material had no market Biomass harvesting creates a market for CWD as well as fine woody debris This higher level of utilization increases the significance of CWD.

16 BHGDT Committee Meetings Meeting schedules are posted in EQB monitor Minutes are posted on the MFRC website Outside observers are welcome to attend meetings

17 Questions?

18 BHGDT Committee -Protocols Committee protocols include: Meeting schedules will be posted in EQB monitor Minutes are posted on the MFRC website Decisions will be majority based although consensus will be sought – disagreements to be forwarded to Site-level Committee for resolution Committee members can designate alternates if unable to attend a meeting Outside observers are welcome to attend meetings BHGDT reports to the MFRC Site Level Committee

19 Biomass Guideline Development Timeline  Laurentian Energy Authority (LEA) has funded the biomass harvesting guideline development process  The Biomass Harvesting Guideline Development Technical committee (BHGDT) has been appointed  Committee work formally started in April 2006  Draft guidelines due December 2006  Guidelines adopted by July 1, 2007

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