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SHA Proudly Presents… Aladdin by Robert Reed Grade Six Play Parent Information Night.

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Presentation on theme: "SHA Proudly Presents… Aladdin by Robert Reed Grade Six Play Parent Information Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHA Proudly Presents… Aladdin by Robert Reed Grade Six Play Parent Information Night

2 Play Information We will be presenting a fun, light-hearted version of Aladdin. You can look forward to music, dancing, and a magic lamp-full of laughs! Performances will take place: Tuesday April 15, 2014 at 1:30pm (Dress rehearsal for SHA students) Tuesday April 15, 2014 at 7:00pm Wednesday April 16, 2014 at 7pm

3 Committment School work School Work is always number one! If a student feels they are unable to fulfill the requirements of their role due to school work, they are to let Ms. Tom know as soon as possible. Appropriate accommodations will be made. Practice at Home All students will be required to rehearse applicable lines, dance, steps, and songs at home. Memorization deadlines will be provided to the students in the new year.

4 Rehearsals Rehearsals will take place every Tuesday and Thursday during lunch, running through lunch recess beginning Tues. Nov. 26, 2013. After school rehearsals during the weeks leading up to performance nights (Dates to be sent out, with no less than two weeks notice.) A calendar will be provided to the students so they know which rehearsals they are required to attend. It is the students’ responsibility to let teachers know about intramural and other activity conflicts. If a student is sick, please notify Ms. Tom. Students who miss two rehearsals without prior notice will be subject to role re-assignment.

5 Costume and Prop Requirements All students are required to have full black attire for the performances  Boys: black t-shirt, black pants, black shoes  Girls: Black tank top, black pants/leggings, black shoes (eg. ballet flats) Small items from home may be requested in the weeks leading up to the performances, such as a tie or scarf.

6 Ticket Costs A note regarding tickets will be sent home in the weeks leading up to the play. All proceeds will go towards helping to cover the costs of the play. Hard copies of tickets will not be sent out, rather, names will be checked off as paid entrants enter the school on performance nights.

7 Volunteers Needed Hair and Makeup (3-4 volunteers per night) be available from 6pm-7pm to help students get ready for the performance Concession Volunteers (2-3 volunteers per night) be available from 7pm-8pm to set up and run the concession stand of baked goods, and concession clean up Bakers (approx. 10 bakers to make 1-2 dozen treats each) Donate items to sell at the concession on play nights. All proceeds will go towards helping to cover the play costs. Items are to be sent to the school the morning of Tuesday April 15, 2014. Play Clean-up and Take-down (***10 volunteers for Night 2) Night 1: Straighten chairs, tidy seating area, clean up. Night 2: Help take down the set, put away chairs, clean up. Volunteers will be contacted in the weeks leading up to the play.

8 Thank you Thank you for attending tonight! Our play is off to a ‘flying carpet’ start! The floor is now open for questions.

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