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The ABC’s of Pet Care What Every Pet Owner Should Know About Their Pet.

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Presentation on theme: "The ABC’s of Pet Care What Every Pet Owner Should Know About Their Pet."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ABC’s of Pet Care What Every Pet Owner Should Know About Their Pet

2 Objectives To instruct pet owners about some important things in caring for: To answer some of the questions frequently asked veterinarians by pet owners Dogs Cats

3 Vaccination Time! The vaccinations your dog needs to keep him happy and healthy: – Bordatella* – Rabies – DHPPC - canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus, parainfluenza, canine parvovirus, and corona virus Can also be given to protect against leptospirosis

4 More Vaccinations! The vaccinations recommended for your cat: - Rabies - FVRCP – feline viral rhinotracheitis, calici virus, panleukopenia - Feline Leukemia * - FIV – feline immunodeficiency virus*

5 Keep in Mind Although due to cost, some pet owners chose only to vaccinate their pet against rabies, remember that if your pet contracts one of these easily preventable illnesses, cost of treatment will far exceed the cost of the vaccination.


7 Fleas What are fleas? How do I treat for fleas?treat How do fleas affect my pet? How can I tell if my pet has fleas?

8 Ticks What are ticks? How do I treat for ticks?treat How do ticks affect my pets? How can I tell if my pet has ticks?

9 Heartworms What are heartworms? How do I treat for heartworms?treat How do heartworms affect my pet? How can I tell if my pet has heartworms?

10 Spaying and Neutering Why should I spay/neuter my pet?

11 You are your pet’s caregiver. They cannot care for themselves.

12 "Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms." ~ George Elliot ~

13 Information used in this presentation is courtesy of Drs. Bob and Liz Conces

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