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Published byClyde Atkinson Modified over 9 years ago
Herbology Science of formulas Dr. HuWei Department of TCM, Medical College of CTGU. Dr. HuWei Department of TCM, Medical College of CTGU.
Outline Basic theory of herbology Common herbs and actions Classical formulas
Chinese herbs12,807 Botanical11,146 Zoological1,581 Mineral80
The origin and development of Chinese herbs Divine Husbandman’s Classic of the Materia Medica (365) One of the four classic books 5 Taste: Sore Salt Sweet Bitter Spicy Temperature characteristics (Qi): Cold Heat Warm Cool The principle of using poison herbs: Cold disease hot herbs; Heat dis. Cold herbs
Chinese herbs1,892 Botanical1,173 Zoological444 Mineral275 > ( Ben Cao Gang Mu ) Darwin: Chinese Cyclopaedia Ming Dynasty (1368 ~1644 B.C.)
Chinese herbs12,807 Botanical11,146 Zoological1,581 Mineral80 Modern Era ( 1949 ~ ) Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Substances >
Herbs Property 1. Four Qi ( The temperature Characteristic ) 2. Clinic Practicing Treating cold syndrome with hot-natured drugs (or heating the cold) Treating heat syndrome with cold-natured drugs ( or cooling the heat) Identify the “Real cold syndrome with fake heat syndromes” or “Real heat syndromes with fake cold syndromes” According to the development of disease to choose proper herbs Treating both heat & cold symptoms with both cold & hot natured drugs Cold & CoolHot & WarmEven TCM treat ment Clear Heat; Cool the heat toxin in Blood; Clear Empty Heat; Phlegm-heat; Promote defecating; Promote urination; Nourish Yin; Calm down liver wind; Warm the internal cold; Expel the external cold; Tonify the Yang Qi; Warm up the meridian; Rescue the exhausted Yang; Could be widely used; Herb Shi Gao; Jin Yin Hua; Qin Hao; Gua Lou; Da Huang; Shen Di; Ling Yang Jiao Gang Jiang; Gui Zhi; Ma Huang; Fu Zi; Du Huo; Rou Gui; Gan Cao;
Herb Property 2. Five Taste SpicySweetBitterSourSalty FunctionDisperse Tonifying Down bearing Astringing Softening Moderating Moving Moistening Draining Contra- Indication All types of Def. Dampness Pregnant women Any condition of excess: Damp or Stagnation Fluid accumulat- ion Exterior Wind Prolapse Diarrhea, Profuse urine Damp Sp. Def., Blood Def., Yin def. Loose stools
Modern research Research about the chemical ingredients of herbs To give scientific evidence about how to harvest, collect & storage herbs Quality identification Improve the traditional processing herb method Support to make new patent medicine HerbChemical ingredientsfunctions Yi Mu CaoYi Mu Cao alkaloidMake uterus contracting; lower high blood pressure Hou PuHou PU alkaloidLower blood pressure Fu ZiWu Tou alkaloidAnti-inflammation; calm; pain-killer; cardiac; Fu LingFu Ling amyloseAnti-tumor
Types of Formulations Syrups ( Tang Jiang ) Decoctions ( Tang ) Special Pills ( Dan ) (Cinnabar) Powders ( San ) Injections ( Zhen ) Pills (Wan) Lozenges (Ding) Soft Extracts ( Gao ) Tablets (Pian) Granules ( Chong Fu )
Medicinal Wines ( “Jiu” or “Yao Jiu” )
Actions of Herbs clear the heat release the exterior drain dampness dispel wind-Dampness regulate the Qi regulate the Blood– Stop Bleeding regulate the Blood– Invigorate the blood warm warm the interior and expel cold\ calm the spirit calm the spirit tonifying Qi,blood,yin,yang
Herbs that tonify the Qi Ren Shen, 人参 Dang Shen, 党参 Huang Qi, 黄芪 Shan Yao, 山药 Bai Zhu, 白术 Da Zao, 大枣 Gan Cao, 甘草 Bai Bian Dou, 白扁豆 Yi Tang, 饴糖
Contraindications retention of a pathogen Liver Yang rising up Damp Heat Combinations IndicationsFormular Fu Zi 附子 Collapsed qi & devastated yangShen Fu Tang Mai Dong 麦冬 WuWeiZi 五味子 Spontaneous sweating associated with Qi & Yin def. Sheng Mai San 生脉散 Shu Di Huang 熟地黄 Qi & Blood def. Bai Zhu 白术 Fu Ling 茯苓 Spleen & St. def. Si Jun Zi Tang 四君子汤 Huang Qi 黄芪 ChaiHu 柴胡 Prolapse Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang 补中益气汤 Dang Gui 当归 LongYanRou Insomnia, palpitations Gui Pi Tang 归脾汤 Ren Shen 人参 ( slightly warm )
Huang Qi 黄芪
ContraindicationsSignificant heat toxin Combinations IndicationsFormular Ren Shen 人参 General debility Long Yan Rou 龙眼肉 Dang Gui 当归 insomnia Gui Pi Tang 归脾汤 San Qi 三七 E Jiao 阿胶 Bleeding due to qi def. Sheng Ma 升麻 Chai Hu 柴胡 Uterine prolapse Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang 补中益气汤 Fang Feng 防风 Bai Zhu 白术 Spontaneous sweating Yu Ping Feng San 玉屏风散 Mai Dong 麦冬 Wu Wei Zi 五味子 Night sweat Fang Ji 防己 Bai Zhu 白术 Wind edema Huang Qi 黄芪 ( Warm )
Shan Yao 山药
Pharmaceutical NameDioscoreae Rhizoma Actions 1. Tonifies and augments the spleen & stomach 1. Tonifies the lung qi & augments the lung yin 2. Tonifies the kidneys & also stabilizes the binds Indications ( def. ) Diarrhea & fatigue Spontaneous sweating Chronic cough or wheezing Spermatorrhea, vaginal discharge Dosage9 – 30 g Cook Toxic Sym. Allergic reactions: maculopapular rashes Shan Yao 山药 ( neutral )
ContraindicationsAccumulation of dampness Combinations IndicationsFormular Fu Ling 茯苓 Bai Zhu 白术 Loose, watery stools due to spleen def. Shen Ling Bai Zhu San 参苓白术散 MaiYa 麦芽 Ji Nei Jin 鸡内金 Food stag. Due to spleen def. Yu Zhu 玉竹 Shi Hu 石斛 Stomach yin def. Mai Dong 麦冬 Wu Wei Zi 五味子 Cough due to lung def. Shu Di Huang 熟地黄 Shan Zhu Yu 山茱萸 Spermatorrhea & night sweats due to kid. Def. Shan Yao 山药 ( neutral )
Da Zao 大枣
Herbs that tonify the Blood Shu Di Huang; 熟地黄 Dang Gui; 当归 Bai Shao; 白芍 E Jiao; 阿胶 Gou Qi Zi; 枸杞子 Sang Shen; 桑椹 Long Yan Rou; 龙眼肉
Shu Di Huang 熟地黄
E Jiao 阿胶
Pharmaceutical NameAsini Corii Colla Actions 1. Tonifies the blood 2. Nourishes the blood & stops bleeding 2. Nourishes and moistens the yin Indications (Def.) Blood def.: dizziness, pale face color, palpitations Any type of bleeding Yin def. : irritability & insomnia Dosage3 – 9 g Cook Toxic Sym.None noted E jiao 阿胶 ( Neutral)
ContraindicationsSpleen & st. def. IndicationsFormular Dang Shen 党参 Dang Gui 当归 Dizziness & palpitations due to blood def. Bai Shao 白芍 Ai Ye 艾叶 Escessive menstrual bleeding Jiao Ai Tang 胶艾汤 Bai Zhu 白术 Fu Zi 附子 Bleeding due to spleen def. Mai Dong 麦冬 Sha shen 沙参 Dry cough blood E jiao 阿胶 ( Neutral)
Gou Qi Zi 枸杞子
Pharmaceutical NameLycii Fructus Actions 1. Nourishes and tonifies the liver & kidney 2. Benefits the essence and brightens the eyes 2. Nourishes and moistens the lungs Indications (Def.) Blood & Yin def.: sore back & legs, impotence, noctrunal emissions, wasting & thirsting disorder Dizziness, blurred vision Consumptive cough Dosage6 – 12 g Cook Toxic Sym.Allergic reactions Gou Qi Zi 枸杞子 ( Neutral)
ContraindicationsSpleen def. & dampness IndicationsFormular Gu Sui Bu 骨碎补 Xu Duan 续断 Sore & painful lower back Shan Yao 山药 Gui Ban 龟板 Severe yin def. with lower back pain Rou Gui 肉桂 Fu Zi 附子 Kidney yang def. Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan 金匮肾气丸 Long Yan rou 龙眼肉 Blood Def. Ju Hua 菊花 Visual impairment Di Gu Pi 地骨皮 YinChaiHu 银柴胡 Steaming bone disorders Gou Qi Zi 枸杞子 ( Neutral)
Sang Shen 桑椹
Long YanRou 龙眼肉
Herbs that tonify the Yang Lu Rong; 鹿茸 He Tao Ren; 核桃仁 Bu Gu Zhi; 补骨脂 Rou Cong Rong; 肉苁蓉 Yi Zhi Ren; 益智仁 Tu Si Zi; 菟丝子 Suo Yang; 锁阳
Lu Rong
Contraindications Heat from yin def. Heat in the blood level Phlegm heat in the lungs Combinations IndicationsFormular Shan Yao 山药 Impotence due to kid. Yang def. E Jiao 阿胶 Dang Gui 当归 Deficient Kidney induced escessive uterine bleeding Ren Shen 人参 Palpitation Gou Ji 狗脊 Copious vaginal discharge Wu Jia Pi 五加皮 Gou Sui Bu 骨碎补 Yin Yang Huo 淫羊藿 Speeding the healing of fractures & other traumatic injury Lu Rong 鹿茸 ( warm )
He Tao Ren 核桃仁
Du Zhong 杜仲
Herbs that Nourish Yin Herbs that Nourish Yin & Clear deficient fever Bei Sha Shen 北沙参 Nan Sha Shen 南沙参 Mai Men Dong 麦门冬 Tian Men Dong 天门冬 Bai He 百合 Shi Hu 石斛 Xi Yang Shen 西洋参 Yu Zhu 玉竹
Bai He
Gui Ban 龟板
Hei Zhi Ma 黑芝麻
Science of formulas is a subject of dealing with the principle of composing a formula, combination regularity and the clinical application. Science of formulas
The basic structure of formula chief deputy assistant envoy
si jun zi tang Four-Gentleman Decoction Source:Tai ping hui min he ji ju fang
Ingredients Radix Ginseng (ren shen) (3-9g) Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae(bai zhu) (6-9g) Sclerotium Poriae Cocos (fu ling)(6-9g) Honey-fried Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis(zhi gan cao) (3-6g)
Indications Qi deficiency syndrome of the spleen and stomach
Symptoms Pallid complexion low and soft voice reduced appetite, loose stools weakness in the limbs Tongue--pale tongue Pulse--thin and/or frail
Xiao Chai Hu Tang Minor Burpleurum Decoction Source: Discussion of Cold-induced Disorders (Shang han lun)
Ingredients Chaihu 24g Huangqin 9g Banxia 9g Shengjiang 9g Renshen 9g Dazao 4pcs Zhigancao 6g
Actions Harmonizing shaoyang.
Indications 1 Cold-induced shaoyang syndromes.
Alternating fever and chills sensation of fullness in the chest and hypochondria reduced appetite Irritability, nausea and vomiting bitter taste in the mouth, dry throat dizziness, Tongue : thin white coating Pulse : wiry Symptoms
Indications 2. Syndrome of heat invading the blood chamber caused by pathogenic wind-cold invasion. Alternating chills and fever at postmenstrual period.
Indications 3 Malaria, jaundice and other diseases with signs of shaoyang syndrome.
liu wei di huang wan Six-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia Source: Craft of Medicinal Treatment for Childhood Disease Patterns (Xiao er yao zheng zhi jue)
Ingredients Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Conquitae(shu di huang) 240g Fructus Corni Officinalis (shan zhu yu) 120g Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae (shan yao) 120g Sclerotium Poriae Cocos (fu ling) 90g Cortex Moutan Radicis (mi dan pi) 90g Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalis (ze xie) 90g
Actions Nourishing yin and tonifying the Kidney
Indications Insufficiency syndrome of kidney yin.
Indications soreness and weakness in the lower back light-headedness, vertigo tinnitus, diminished hearing night sweats spontaneous and nocturnal emissions, Tongue: red tongue with little coating Pulse: rapid, thin
The patient may also present with a variety of other symptoms including hot palms and soles, a chronic dry and sore throat, toothache, or wasting and thirsting disorder.
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