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European Social Fund, ESF, in Sweden and Drop-outs.

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Presentation on theme: "European Social Fund, ESF, in Sweden and Drop-outs."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Social Fund, ESF, in Sweden and Drop-outs

2 Swedish ESF-Council Managing European Social Fund, around €700 million Managing European fund for integration of third country citizens, around €15 million Implementing the social dimension of the EU Baltic Sea strategy, around €65 000 Coordinating the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, around €2 million 10 offices in nine cities!

3 Strengthening individuals and groups in working life! Around 78 000 unemployed, of whom: - 34 000 young people (majority young men) - 27 000 born outside Sweden 210 000 women and men have had skill development Five percent of the Swedish population have participated in ESF. In 2014 it’ll be around 450 000 participants!

4 Results from Social Fund A clear link between gender, age, birth place and status of impairness Born outside Sweden Young people Impairness status Gender

5 Level of education for young people in ESF (yellow) and in national measures, UGA (blue) Grundskola = 7-15 yrs Gymnasie: 16-18 yrs Eftergymnasial: Post high school education

6 Procurement of €15 million of ESF for drop-outs 16 yrs and more, leaving school without marks Focus on changing the systems and structures of education More employable youth Eight projects, all over the country, of which Plug-in by SKL (around €10 million in ESF, equal amount of co-financing)

7 Identified obstacles for youth in the labour market Dropping out Reading or writing impairness Lack of fluent Swedish Under 18 years Unemployed more than one year Mental unhealth Impairness (Asp, ADHD, physical etc) Structural obstacles Unstable family conditions/Homeless Lack of financial ressources Different kinds of addictions Past or on-going criminal activities

8 Methods used in projects, always in a mix! Analysis of skills and education Routines in every day life Clinical measures Working-out Support in choosing education or job career EducationCoaching Apprentice / traineeship Starting one’s own business Mentoring Transnational cooperation Coordination between public agencies

9 Percent in work after finalised projects, ESF (blue) compared to national measures (red)

10 Successful variables for youth, people born outside Sweden and people with different kinds of impairness Holistic perspective, voluntary action, respect and worthiness, commitment A heterogeneous composition of personnel Empowerment Cooperation between public and private actors and NGOs Long term actions – it should take time! Clear objectives with every action and follow-up!

11 For more information ESF thematic project on youth issues

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