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Schools Stakeholders Training Plan Accreditation.

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Presentation on theme: "Schools Stakeholders Training Plan Accreditation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schools Stakeholders Training Plan Accreditation

2 Purpose of Training  Objective All stakeholders (which include but is not limited to students, parents, teachers/ staff, community and business partners) will be knowledgeable of the 5 Accreditation Standards, 35 Indicators and the three Required Actions.

3 Why Does Accreditation Matter?  For Students Students benefit from their institution or educational system’s commitment to raising student performance and accountability. Students that attend an accredited institution gain greater access to federal loans, scholarships, postsecondary education and military programs.  For Parents This ethic of excellence ensures that institutions will find rich benefits from accreditation and that parents can confidently make informed decisions about their children’s education, knowing their child’s school is accredited.  For Teachers/Staff The accreditation process leads teachers to critically evaluate teaching and learning with a focus for academic excellence.  For Communities and Businesses As a result of schools exhibiting educational excellence, communities are viewed as desirable for economic growth and business expansion.

4 Introduction Anatomy of a Standard The AdvancED Standards for Quality School Systems include the standard, indicator, and related performance level. The Standards are research-based, comprehensive quality statements that describe conditions that are necessary for educational institutions and systems to achieve quality student performance and organizational effectiveness. These Standards support an education process that is truly visionary; characterizing how organizations should operate to promote a culture of continuous learning that is fluid – engaging leaders, staff and students. The indicators and related performance levels give thorough descriptions of exemplary practices and processes, together providing a comprehensive picture of each standard.

5 The five Standards

6 Content Accreditation Design Standard 1 Exam Standard 5 Standard 4 Standard 3 Standard 2 4 Standards6 Standards12 Standards8 Standards5 Standards

7 Thank You !

8 Further Actions 1. Faculty/ Staff will view Podcast of accreditation on website. 2. SAC chair/co-chair will facilitate a PowerPoint presentation to educate SAC and SAF/PTSA members. 3. SAC chair will discuss impact of accreditation standards and indicators at Leadership meeting.

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