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The Revelation of Jesus Christ 3 The Pentecostal Day, Church, Spirit, Age THE.PATMOS.VISION_ JEFF.IN ROJC 69-130 SUNDAY_ 60-1204E 110 The Bible, the Revelation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ 3 The Pentecostal Day, Church, Spirit, Age THE.PATMOS.VISION_ JEFF.IN ROJC 69-130 SUNDAY_ 60-1204E 110 The Bible, the Revelation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ 3 The Pentecostal Day, Church, Spirit, Age THE.PATMOS.VISION_ JEFF.IN ROJC 69-130 SUNDAY_ 60-1204E 110 The Bible, the Revelation was wrote from A.D. 95 to 96, two years. It was the Lord's day. The Lord's day is exactly what it said, and that's what it was. John was carried in the Spirit over into the Lord's day. This is the day of man, but the day of the Lord shall come. On down through the Scriptures we'll find that he was in the Lord's day, caught up in the Spirit, and taken over to the Lord's day. THE.PATMOS.VISION_ JEFF.IN ROJC 69-130 SUNDAY_ 60-1204E 143 "In the Spirit on the Lord's day..." Now, we hear it. Now, what? And what was he done? He was transferred from the isle now, in the Spirit, over into the Lord's day. And as soon as he got over into the Lord's day, he heard a trumpet. What is it? It's Somebody approaching. A great One's approaching. Trumpet sounds, Somebody's coming. He looked. Hallelujah.... trumpet, Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last:... (Hm. Not announcement of the second party, or the third party, but the only party. "I'm both Alpha and Omega; before I show you anything, I want to let you know Who I am." Amen.) The greatest of all the revelations is the Deity, the Supreme Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. You can't get to first base until you believe that,

2 The Revelation of Jesus Christ 3 THE.PATMOS.VISION_ JEFF.IN ROJC 69-130 SUNDAY_ 60-1204E 180 All right, now Daniel 7:9: And I beheld until the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garments was white as snow, and the hair of his head was like... pure wool:... (Ancient of days)... his throne was like a fiery flame, and his wheels were burning fire. And fiery--fiery streams issued and came forth from before him: and thousands... thousands ministered unto him, and ten... times ten thousands stood before him: and judgment was set and the books were open. "White hair..." All... Anybody knows that's the old judges in ancient days, like English judges used to wear a snow white wig. How many remembers that? Old ancient judges wore a white wig because they was... And here He is, showing again that John's over in the Lord's day; he saw Him as the Judge (Amen.), not as Priest, not as King, not as Prophet, but as Judge. The Father, Saint John 5: 22, committed all judgment to Him. And He's Judge now, come to judge the nations. Oh, for that day when you see Him like that. His hair was as white as snow; Daniel saw Him coming to the Ancient of days. Watch Him blend these two together. All right.

3 The Revelation of Jesus Christ 3 The Second Coming Fulfilled in Our Sight THIS.DAY.THIS.SCRIPTURE.IS.FULFILLED_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-8 FRIDAY_ 65-0219 THIS.DAY.THIS.SCRIPTURE.IS.FULFILLED_ JEFF.IN V-3 N-8 FRIDAY_ 65-0219 256 I've read the Scripture, with a dozen or more evidences that we're living in the last day, the generation that will see Jesus Christ return to the earth. And I say to you tonight, again, this day this Scripture is fulfilled in your sight. 257 You in Tucson, you in California, you in New York, on these telephone hook-ups, this day this Scripture is fulfilled in your sight. 258 Let us be glad and make merry, for the Marriage of the Lamb is at hand, and Her Bride... His Bride has made Herself ready.

4 The Revelation of Jesus Christ 3 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M 105 The 1st verse is unveiling Christ, the revelation or the uncovering. Oh, how the last age and the coming of the Lord was--un--was covered up to the apostles. They asked the question, but only one lived to have the revelation; and still he didn't understand it, because the history was not yet made. THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M 115 You plant a seed and it grows to maturity. God plants His Word, and then It grows right out, and then we look back and say, "There It was." Why, sure, we see It after It's been revealed.

5 The Revelation of Jesus Christ 3 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M 120 The carnal mind shuns it, because the carnal mind knows nothing about it. No wonder it--the carnal mind doesn't know it, because it's Satan in that carnal mind; and Satan is exposed, and Satan does not want himself exposed. Did you notice how horrible it is for Satan when he thinks he's going to be exposed? Watch in one of the services; watch the action of the people. You watch that on my meeting. Just before Satan's going to be exposed over a certain person, you can see their face changing. You see, they don't know what to think. All at once the Holy Spirit comes down and exposes that devil. Oh, he hates that kind of a meeting. That's the reason we've had such a battle, because the Word of God exposes the devil. See? It tells what he is. THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M 146 So then you see why Satan is so against the Book of Revelation. Anything that's revealed, spiritual revelation, Satan's against it. That's why he's so against the ministry today. Because… What is it? The revealing of Christ.

6 The Revelation of Jesus Christ 3 THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M 153 Now, "Time is at hand." What? When the complete revelation of Jesus Christ has been made known to His churches. And as the ages go by, it's just revealed to them. Now, we're right down at the end time, so now we really are at the end of the world. We're at the consummation of the world's history. And before this week's over, and God being with us, helping us, we'll prove that we're at the consummation of the church ages. We're in the Philadel--or the Laodicean church age, the consummation of all ages. We're at the consummation of the political world. We're at the consummation of the--of the natural world. We're at the consummation of all things. We're at the end of every natural thing, ready to enter in. THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M 153 Now, "Time is at hand." What? When the complete revelation of Jesus Christ has been made known to His churches. And as the ages go by, it's just revealed to them. Now, we're right down at the end time, so now we really are at the end of the world. We're at the consummation of the world's history. And before this week's over, and God being with us, helping us, we'll prove that we're at the consummation of the church ages. We're in the Philadel--or the Laodicean church age, the consummation of all ages. We're at the consummation of the political world. We're at the consummation of the--of the natural world. We're at the consummation of all things. We're at the end of every natural thing, ready to enter in. THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M 157 I looked; I said, "The trees are dying. The grass is dying. The flowers are dying. I'm dying. The world's a-dying. Everything's dying. Everything in this world's a-dying." We're setting here this morning, dying. Surely there's a world somewhere where everything don't die. If there's one where everything's a-dying, there's got to be one where everything's a-living. That's what we're longing for to get to that place where there's--the trees immortal stand: go where everything is immortal and it stands in the--in the glory of God. THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFF.IN ROJC 9-67 SUNDAY_ 60-1204M 157 I looked; I said, "The trees are dying. The grass is dying. The flowers are dying. I'm dying. The world's a-dying. Everything's dying. Everything in this world's a-dying." We're setting here this morning, dying. Surely there's a world somewhere where everything don't die. If there's one where everything's a-dying, there's got to be one where everything's a-living. That's what we're longing for to get to that place where there's--the trees immortal stand: go where everything is immortal and it stands in the--in the glory of God.

7 The Revelation of Jesus Christ 3 PROVERBS 8:22-31 PROVERBS 8:22-31 The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth: While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world. When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth: When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep: When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth: Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.

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