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Srta. Custis. Un poco sobre su maestra… Graduated from Salisbury University with 2 undergrad degrees: Spanish Communication Graduated from Salisbury University.

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Presentation on theme: "Srta. Custis. Un poco sobre su maestra… Graduated from Salisbury University with 2 undergrad degrees: Spanish Communication Graduated from Salisbury University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Srta. Custis

2 Un poco sobre su maestra… Graduated from Salisbury University with 2 undergrad degrees: Spanish Communication Graduated from Salisbury University with Masters in Education Teach College and High School Spanish Play soccer Love to draw, paint, write poetry MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC!

3 Mis viajes… Estudié en España I studied in Spain Viajé a Nepal el verano pasado I traveled to Nepal this past summer He visitado a Nueva York, Pittsburgh, D.C., y otras ciudades en los Estados Unidos I have visited New York, Pittsburgh, D.C., and other cities in the U.S.

4 Classroom Rules Classroom Expectations Grading Important Issues Discipline

5 Classroom Rules: Be on-time: In your seat and materials out when the bell rings 3 latenesses = detention 4 latenesses = office referral When the bell rings, work on your warm-up Warm-ups are a part of your classwork grade The teacher, not the bell, dismisses you at the end of the period

6 Expectations This is Spanish class! You must attempt to use the language and what you learn… I want to hear you speak and see you write in Spanish! Be creative with your work… BE AUTHENTIC Be respectful of your surroundings: Your environment Your teachers Your classmates Yourself!

7 Grading Your grade is weighted: Tests/Quizzes50% PBTs30% Classwork/Homework20% Cheating: You must do your own work – cheating on a test/quiz/PBT results in a zero Plagiarism: Using words that you have not learned Online translating word-for-word Using native speakers to do your work Notebook: this helps keep you organized! Warm-ups Notes Classwork/Homework Tests/Quizzes/Project information

8 Important Issues Bathroom breaks No one leaves the room. I get you for 50 minutes. This time is crucial for speaking in the target language. Absences/Make-up work It’s up to YOU! Check the make-up work bin Make an appointment with me afterschool- no exceptions

9 Discipline You are expected to behave properly in class If, however, you choose to act inappropriately and unbecoming of a respectable young adult, you will also choose to accept full responsibility for your actions. Consequences: I run a tight ship! 1 st offense = verbal warning 2 nd offense = teacher/parent/student meeting 3 rd offense = detention 4 th offense = office referral

10 Let’s brainstorm!

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