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© 2006 Pearson Education 1 Obj: to use assignment operators HW: Prelab Exercises 2 Quiz 3.1 – 3.4 in two class days  Do Now: 1.Read p.144 – 145 (3.4 “more.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2006 Pearson Education 1 Obj: to use assignment operators HW: Prelab Exercises 2 Quiz 3.1 – 3.4 in two class days  Do Now: 1.Read p.144 – 145 (3.4 “more."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2006 Pearson Education 1 Obj: to use assignment operators HW: Prelab Exercises 2 Quiz 3.1 – 3.4 in two class days  Do Now: 1.Read p.144 – 145 (3.4 “more operators”). 2.Write two different lines of code that will both add 1 to the value of the variable total. 3.Write two different lines of code that will both add 7 to the value of the variable total. C3 D3b

2 © 2006 Pearson Education 2 Increment and Decrement  The increment and decrement operators are arithmetic and operate on one operand  The increment operator ( ++ ) adds one to its operand  The decrement operator ( -- ) subtracts one from its operand  The statement count++; is functionally equivalent to count = count + 1;

3 © 2006 Pearson Education 3 Assignment Operators  Often we perform an operation on a variable, and then store the result back into that variable  Java provides assignment operators to simplify that process  For example, the statement num += count; is equivalent to num = num + count;

4 © 2006 Pearson Education 4 Assignment Operators  There are many assignment operators, including the following: Operator += -= *= /= %= Example x += y x -= y x *= y x /= y x %= y Equivalent To x = x + y x = x - y x = x * y x = x / y x = x % y

5 © 2006 Pearson Education 5 Assignment Operators  The entire right-hand side of an assignment expression is evaluated first, then the result is combined with the original variable  Therefore result /= (total-MIN) % num; is equivalent to result = result / ((total-MIN) % num);

6 © 2006 Pearson Education 6 Try this:  p.180 Multiple Choice #3.1  If time: begin “Processing Grades” Lab.

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